Incomplete Data: A panfandom, multi-world RP.

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October 2018



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Posts Tagged: 'marvel:+xmen+tas:+rogue'

Aug. 10th, 2017



I don't What am I supposed to Why?

Jim is gone.

Rocket, pal, guess you'll be sharing your space after all.

[Big H]
Could I have access to my room for an hour so I can move all my stuff back in?

Aug. 7th, 2017



[Filtered to Rogue (Both), Betsy, Kitty P., Hank]
I think we all deserve a few hours on the beach, now that the storm has passed. What do you think?

Aug. 4th, 2017



Zero-g and burn training only marginally prepared me for that shit. But I'm good. I got out of it. So, of course, I'm going back into it.

I need at least one two strong enough ropes to use as a tether line, a good anchor, and maybe one or two volunteers with lower body strength who aren't afraid to put their back into it.

If anyone is still out in this and can do so, let me know where you are.

Jul. 31st, 2017



I'm pretty again, though I won't be for long if I keep spending time in the sun. I'm still all space-pale, at least for now.

I heard that non-principals can use the hot tub for a few hours a day if we get there first. Want to try for it today?

You alright? Having fun on the beach? We were worried about you.

Jul. 30th, 2017



Considering our last dinner went over fairly well, I would like to have another. Same rules as last time. No hurling silverware or tables at one another. Do not sit by someone you wish to strangle.
Think civility.

I trust I do not have create an itemized list of do's and don't's.



I went to sleep in one bed and woke up in another one [...] again. And it's no less disorienting the third time around. I didn't even get to say goodbye to- But whatever, I guess. At least we're back in familiar surroundings. There's something almost comforting about that. And it looks like I have another new roommate. For now.

You here, Angel? You okay?

Hey, uh. Do you know how to swim?



Would any of the women from Echo or Romeo like to trade suits with me? I don't know what my scientist was thinking giving someone who's two meters tall a one-piece - that's a design for disaster - but we'll make do, won't we?

EDIT: Taken care of, thank you.

Mantis, dear - there are clouds here too. Should we resume our activities from yesterday? Senator Organa, you're invited too, of course.

I realize you had no control over your circumstances, but I need to say this regardless: If you ever do that to me again, I will find you and kill you myself.



[Filtered to Mutants]
Anyone got a swimsuit that covers up a little more they wouldn't mind trading to me? ETA: Nevermind, I'm good.



Who wants a drink?

Jul. 20th, 2017



if anyone's got requests, i'll be down at the bar til closing.

[echo scientist]

thanks for last night. you're not bad, for a scientist.

Jul. 17th, 2017



If I could have all of you check in, thank you. I'm located in 209.

I believe we have at least 3 who are with the Hotel block and who's rations are greatly reduced from the rest of us. I would like to rectify that.



There may possibly have been better ways to test if my powers still worked. But it does not do to dwell on dreams and forget to LIVE, Harry.


Does anyone know how to reattach a fingertip?

Jul. 16th, 2017



Didn't I tell you there'd be consequences, Ren?

Jul. 14th, 2017



People of the Wittgenstein,

Hopefully many of you may remember the post that Sharon Carter (the elder) made in the aftermath of the Circus riot about our civic responsibilities. In the two weeks since we have been back at the compound, a small group of us have been stationed in the library, working on drafting a document assuring and defining our rights as citizens (not merely specimens) of this Wittgenstein collective.

We affirm, in brief: a right to assembly and self governance, a right to freedom from violence, discrimination or harassment, a right to freedom of speech, a right to property, and a right to freedom from degrading conditions, and an obligation to assuring a minimum standard of care and safety for all who are brought here. We maintain the sanctity of life for all specimens as our highest primary objective.

We propose a representative democracy comprised of a federation of "Districts" comprised of at least five people. This allows everyone's primary points of contact to be largely those with whom they would interact in any case, however, it also creates both a Wittgenstein Council and Jury comprised of elected representatives from each District which can address concerns that face the entire group, see to impartial, empathetic handling of specimen-on-specimen crime.

Finally, while at present we have the capacity to negotiate only amongst ourselves, it is our hope that success in this endeavor may give us some collective bargaining power with our scientists.

In any case, we have drafted a preliminary Constitution based on a variety of national Constitutions as well as drawing heavily from Prisoners' Rights theory, but it is only a preliminary document. We would like to open this up to all specimens for comment, suggestion, and revision in the interest of fairness and to capitalize on the assembled collective political expertise here.

Yours sincerely
Hank McCoy
Sharon Carter
Steve Rogers
Charles Xavier

Full text

Jul. 12th, 2017



Lieutenant Phasma floated the idea of a fight club and since all I've really been doing is reading, laying around in bed, and working out here and there, taking advantage of being under full gravity for the first time in ages, I figured I'd put out an all-call to see if anyone's interested.

Since we've got a variety of abilities here, we're going to need divisions and classes.

  • Super-Powered Heavyweight - for those with multiple abilities, energy projection skills, and regenerative healing (or a complete lack for their personal safety). Signed up: Ren, Hope

  • Super-Powered Lightweight - for those with one or two abilities and no healing powers. Signed up: Rogue, Melissa

  • Normal Heavyweight - for those without abilities but training in hand-to-hand combat. Signed up: Melissa, Johanna, Holden

  • Normal Lightweight - for those without abilities and little to no training but who just want to blow off some steam. Signed up: Jo

  • Referees - Pietro, Clark

If you're interested, please let me know which division you'd like to fight in. And while Phasma is adept at training recruits and can break up physical fights, I'm also going to need someone with the capability of breaking up powered fights if they go too far. Perhaps a telepath or a very strong telekinetic?

And, of course, if you think it's a stupid idea, feel free to let me know that as well. But I figured we all could use something to stave off the boredom.

Jul. 11th, 2017



I fought Gambit and survived. Anyone else want a go at me?

Jul. 7th, 2017



I was told I should introduce myself.

Hi, I'm York. I enjoy long walks on the beach and candle lit dinners. I'll be residing in Cell Block H, Hotel, with my new best friend Amos (Hello, by the way). I've had all of this explained to me by the nice lady scientist, but I'm still trying to come to grips with it. I can't say I appreciate the chain gang threads, but I suppose it's fitting, considering I'll be living in a cell.

At least that lovely yellow-orange color suits my complexion.

Jul. 4th, 2017



day three without having a cigarette

this is everyones official warning that they better come bearing gum or alcohol, or only have really nice things to say

hope, i hate you hope youre happy would kill someone right now if i was promised a cigarette in return three days down

hank, still pretty

Jul. 2nd, 2017



Of all the things I occasionally miss, or sometimes misplace and worry about for a few minutes, I never thought I'd miss my tool kit. And yet here I am, glad to have it back, digging through it and reorganizing everything that I'd just tossed back in there the last time I had it out, spending time with my stuff.

Not that there's anything to fix around here, so I still feel mostly useless, but at least I've got it just in case I do find something that could be potentially engineered to improvement.

Though I suppose I probably ought to spend more time exploring this place and seeing where everything is, getting to know it better. But I like where I am and I don't mind following Jim around mostly just staying put and watching everyone else. Sort of what I did before anyhow.

I do miss Petra, now that I think about it, but I can see why that didn't show up here, honestly.

Jul. 1st, 2017



found a tree growing cigarettes.

picked every single one i could reach.