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Posts Tagged: 'marvel:+mcu:+mantis'

Jul. 31st, 2017



[Rebels & Rebel-Adjacent*, Carol Danvers]
Anyone feeling like getting together, trying to get a bonfire going on the beach somewhere, and just doing something casual, all of us, together? That was a hell of an ordeal for everyone and I'd like to really just spend time with you lot right now. Bring your friends, significant others, whoever. I sure don't mind. We'll rustle up some food, drinks, and I have a strong suspicion we won't be short on entertainment.

[OOC: If you think you are, you are. If you have to pause, hmu on IM and ask, the answer is probably yes, but yanno]

Jul. 30th, 2017



If the point of all this shit is to study human behavior then there's no fucking reason at all that I should be here. I'm not interested in your goddamned beach party, I need to know who I got to talk to in order to be properly disqualified from this testing. Some piece of shit's made a huge fucking mistake.



Would any of the women from Echo or Romeo like to trade suits with me? I don't know what my scientist was thinking giving someone who's two meters tall a one-piece - that's a design for disaster - but we'll make do, won't we?

EDIT: Taken care of, thank you.

Mantis, dear - there are clouds here too. Should we resume our activities from yesterday? Senator Organa, you're invited too, of course.

I realize you had no control over your circumstances, but I need to say this regardless: If you ever do that to me again, I will find you and kill you myself.

Jul. 29th, 2017



It is very nice out today. If somebody would come sit with me.

Jul. 26th, 2017



Sharon Carter, our lead detective, has been running herself ragged with this investigation. As such, she is getting some much needed sleep tonight. Captain Rogers is detained. Tonight is night six. Assuming both Captain Rogers and Sgt Barnes are cleared (which they will be), tomorrow will bring our total up to TWENTY PEOPLE. So we need to take this night and double down.

I've updated the evidence list to the best of my knowledge. So, please everyone take a look at it and let's brainstorm. There are no stupid ideas. Only wrong ones.

clue notes day 6 )</blockquote>

[Filtered to A.A.R.D.V.A.R.K.]
Say that your friend left their cellphone at your house. Is it okay to read their texts?



... I need help at room 409

I think I maybe killed Sharon Carter? Something is wrong

Jul. 24th, 2017



Oh, in case anyone is interested, my brother disappeared from the kitchens.

Jul. 23rd, 2017



Looks like the Stark Time Machine still has some kinks to work out.

Anyone want to trade a pair of rubber balls for a cigarette?

Jul. 22nd, 2017



I remember reading in a Cosmo way back in grad school how much you can tell about a woman by the shape of the lipstick in the tube she's using, sometimes it's in a point because she very carefully draws the lines and curves of her lips suggesting a divisive pride and an attention to detail, sometimes it's flat because she presses it against her lips like chapstick suggesting a no-nonsense sensibility. Sometimes it's compressed on both sides suggesting a sensuality that fully meets the physical head on. Sometimes, even, it's smashed suggesting an artistic hand and possible German sensitivities.

So let's ask ourselves ladies, and men who have traded for lipstick. What does YOURS look like?

[Filtered to Romeo]
The graffiti in the lobby's particularly interesting because that's where Banner disappeared from.

Jul. 19th, 2017



In the interest of transparency, Mike has provided his block a list that includes all of the circus tasks distributed to everyone and who completed, attempted or failed their task.

[Hank McCoy, Jean Grey (Romeo), Logan, Kitty Pryde]
I think the key to solving this quickly and efficiently is by ensuring that we all have the information needed to do so. Every individual brings new insight into events such as these and can see scenarios differently, allowing for the puzzle of who the apparent murderer will be to be solved.

I would like for us to share what we each learn. I believe there is at least one member from each block included in this filter.



It turns out, even with my powers temporarily removed, I'm still an excellent thief. Wonder where I got that from?

Did you know that Phasma is... fraternizing with Krennic?



If anyone's having trouble adapting to a mostly vegetarian diet, I figured I'd offer advice. There's a lot you can do with potatoes, carrots, and creativity.

[Filtered to Romeo Block]
So here's the deal.
  1. They are fucking with us
  2. They want us to play along in groups.

We're playing Clue. For those of you from space, it's a game where people are trapped in a locked house and someone gets murdered. The trick is to figure out the murderer, the location, and the weapon through deduction and cheating off the reflection of the person who's sitting across from you.

Only one block can win, and for some reason, I seem like the crime-fighting type to them. I'm your leader. I assume this means someone's showing up dead soon. So if you happen to show up dead, please filter your block with details before or while being murdered. But preferably, try not to get killed and if you see something, say something, etc etc. (God I'm even thinking in propaganda posters now.)

So in any case, that's the story. Shall we discuss?

[Filtered to Clue Principals (Sharon Carter 616, Obadiah Stane, Ian Malcolm, Cosima Niehaus, and Amos Burton)]
Are the superfriends cancelled now?

Jul. 17th, 2017



First thing first: we're all here in London during a very turbulent time in history. As you all have noticed, we've been given ration books. They're not going to last, so we're going to have to work a little extra outside of what we've been given to make sure we all eat.

I'd go out and find work firstly. Some of them will not be able to give you money, but will be able to give you ration books. Some will give you money, and then you'll have to find black market places that sell ration books. Also of note: the ration books allow you to purchase said items, they're not free.

Normally, I'd be out there doing this myself, but considering my [...] appearance, I will have a lot harder time than most.

Is there anyone (or several people) who would be willing to look into the black market side of this while the rest of us try to do this the old fashioned way?



There may possibly have been better ways to test if my powers still worked. But it does not do to dwell on dreams and forget to LIVE, Harry.


Does anyone know how to reattach a fingertip?

Jul. 16th, 2017




Jul. 14th, 2017



People of the Wittgenstein,

Hopefully many of you may remember the post that Sharon Carter (the elder) made in the aftermath of the Circus riot about our civic responsibilities. In the two weeks since we have been back at the compound, a small group of us have been stationed in the library, working on drafting a document assuring and defining our rights as citizens (not merely specimens) of this Wittgenstein collective.

We affirm, in brief: a right to assembly and self governance, a right to freedom from violence, discrimination or harassment, a right to freedom of speech, a right to property, and a right to freedom from degrading conditions, and an obligation to assuring a minimum standard of care and safety for all who are brought here. We maintain the sanctity of life for all specimens as our highest primary objective.

We propose a representative democracy comprised of a federation of "Districts" comprised of at least five people. This allows everyone's primary points of contact to be largely those with whom they would interact in any case, however, it also creates both a Wittgenstein Council and Jury comprised of elected representatives from each District which can address concerns that face the entire group, see to impartial, empathetic handling of specimen-on-specimen crime.

Finally, while at present we have the capacity to negotiate only amongst ourselves, it is our hope that success in this endeavor may give us some collective bargaining power with our scientists.

In any case, we have drafted a preliminary Constitution based on a variety of national Constitutions as well as drawing heavily from Prisoners' Rights theory, but it is only a preliminary document. We would like to open this up to all specimens for comment, suggestion, and revision in the interest of fairness and to capitalize on the assembled collective political expertise here.

Yours sincerely
Hank McCoy
Sharon Carter
Steve Rogers
Charles Xavier

Full text

Jul. 13th, 2017



In case anyone is looking for a light summer read, I just finished The Origins of Totalitarianism, so that should be free again.

If I'm honest, I really didn't like any of the characters.



It's astonishing to me. Absolutely astonishing to me, that people who've lived any less than a hundred years can ever murmur about boredom. Our minds are endless. The books in this place are endless, there is a mountain outside our gates that is beyond the realm of our own understanding and we are creatures held captive for reasons and aims and goals and desires that we know nothing about.

How can some many people fear death, and let their tiny minds wish for immortality yet they haven't sorted out what to do with themselves when you aren't being given something specific to do. It's worse than watching lazy beggars shuffle along breadlines. Think. Do. Discuss.

Or protest with your body and your heart, but why complain about a moment of respite?

Jul. 6th, 2017



Ow, my head. Playing drinking games with the moonshine was a fun, yet so horribly bad, idea.

We going to talk about it?

Jul. 4th, 2017



I quit smoking because of Dani but Dani's not here, now is she?