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October 2018



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Posts Tagged: 'supernatural:+sam+winchester'

Sep. 25th, 2017



Who: Helena (narrative - or open if anyone wants to)
What: Aftermath of the cornucopia
Where: Down the path between I and J
When: Day One of the Hunger Games
Warnings: Hunger Games stuff.

Getting through rock. )

Sep. 23rd, 2017



Welcome to the Hunger: Bloodbath )

Sep. 22nd, 2017



[ LEIA ]
I've got your dad here with me. I'll do my best to look out for him. We're just penned up inside, right now. It's not bad. I miss you.

So. The plan shaping up among the last list of people we had to work with was resistance through passive non-performance. I think it's the only real option we have. There are some of you I wouldn't normally cooperate with, but at this point, I imagine we're all kind of ready to hold our noses. We all have people we want to keep safe. Can we put aside the urge to put the well-being of our personal friends over the common good, which is what got us into this mess in the first place, and make an agreement? None of us benefit from the tribalism and selfishness that got us here. Let's just do this.



Early this morning I was informed by November that, due to the dissatisfaction with my list, I’d have to make a new one. Instead of having the opportunity to make a selection, names were drawn from a hat. They are as follows:

Squad 1 - Maria Hill, Daisy Johnson
Squad 2- Natalia Romanova, Dick Grayson
Squad 3 - Darcy Lewis, Bucky Barnes (MCU)
Squad 4- Wanda Maximoff, Pietro Maximoff
Squad 5 - Matt Murdock, Lucretia
Squad 6- Raven Darkholme, Rogue (616)
Squad 7 - Hank McCoy, Emma Frost
Squad 8- Melissa Gold, Rocket
Squad 9 - Poe Dameron, Bail Organa
Squad 10- Phasma, Harley Quinn
Squad 11 - Lois Lane, Helena
Squad 12- Sam Winchester, Jo Harvelle
Squad 13 - Phryne Fisher, Regina Mills

Sep. 21st, 2017



Who: Sam Winchester and Gretel
What: Conversations and bad dreams
Where: Sam's room, Hotel
When: Backdated to the day before the meeting
Rating: lowish (some language)
Status: Complete

What would people say? )



Filter: Dean Winchester

If you're avoiding me because you think I'll try and do something stupid you can stop. I already tried it and it was a bust.



Filtered to Steve Rogers (616)

I want to make a trade.

Sep. 20th, 2017



Considering we have figured out we all come from different times and worlds, and noting the cross-section of knowledge spread between us, there has been talk about what is coming at the end of the countdown.

Given the training, the pairing, and the information presented at the meeting, I think most of us have a vague idea on what to expect.

But like the specifics of the children's world we inhabited before, is there anyone who may think they actually fucking know what's coming?

Does this sound too familiar to anyone?

Hansel... I need you with me


[Private to Sam Winchester]

Apparently the consensus is that we're participants in the Hunger Games.

[Private to Joanna Mason]

I'm afraid we may have to have an unpleasant conversation.



Town Meeting! Town Meeting! )

Sep. 18th, 2017



Backdated to Romeo evacuation

[Dean and Gretel]
I don't know what's going on over there but are you alright? Do you need somewhere to hang out for a bit?

I know how you feel about guests but I have a friend in Romeo that needs somewhere to crash for a while. Can I sign her in?



Wittgenstein Training: Day 14. )

Sep. 15th, 2017



Who: Sam and Gretel
What: coffee and portals
When: backdated slightly, after Gretel's net post (training day 8)
Where: coffee shop and then various common areas
Warnings: nothing much, maybe some language.

I like my portals like I like my coffee - a technological or magical doorway that connects two distant locations separated by spacetime. )



Wittgenstein Training: Day 11. )

Sep. 14th, 2017



I've got a bad feeling about this, Sammy.
Why are we suddenly getting the boot camp treatment?

Also, is your new roommate Robin?



[Sam and Dean]
You guys want to have lunch together in the training center?



Wittgenstein Training: Day 10. )

Sep. 13th, 2017



What's the chance of getting some Cuban food during one of these training lunches?

Y'know, before a) the Hunger Games or b) the Purge begins and a statistically high number of us are sent off to kill each other? Either that or we're going full Donner Party themed. That's still a third option.



Wittgenstein Training: Day 8. )

Sep. 12th, 2017



A word of caution; there seems to be a magic hole of some sort in the floor of the library, right in front of the entryway.

It leads to the ceiling above the pool.

Relatedly, scuba is my least favorite modern invention.



Wittgenstein Training: Day 8. )