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October 2018



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Posts Tagged: 'the+adventure+zone:+lucretia'

Jan. 29th, 2018



So, the Russians are winning, right? I have an idea.

BLOCK PARTY. EDIT: BLOCK THE BLOC PARTY. (Thank you for the name, Steve!) We can like, have a potluck and do red-white-and-blue bunting and play baseball and do all the really, seriously American shittuff.

Anyone in?

Food and stuff )

Jan. 24th, 2018



There's nothing like a relaxing morning at home imposed by your cellmate's inability to tell the bathtub from the laundry. Please don't expect me at the agency this morning; I shall be very late.

I accuse Galen Erso of working for the Russians. If our scientists down at the lab are attempting to build some sort of weapon, Erso should be investigated immediately. The last top-secret, all-important project in which he participated was destroyed shortly after its completion by his active sabotage. I'm sure he has little more love for our captors here than he did for his masters then, and I am quite certain he would jump at the very first chance to undermine the laboratory's work by colluding with enemies of the people. He's done precisely this before, in perfect cold blood, and none of us should sleep comfortably until he's cleared of wrongdoing or, more likely, removed from his post at once.

If you require any additional information, please do not hesitate to ask.

Jan. 23rd, 2018



Perhaps there is a common ground to be found between our efforts and those of the communists to both ensure no one is making an attempt to weaponize the moon; perhaps we can find ways to balance both of our ideologies?

[Bail Organa]
I'll miss you while you're at work today.
[Poe Dameron]
What would you know about this flyer I recieved with my 2% this morning?

Jan. 21st, 2018



I'd like to offer a little insight into what happens if you let the Russians win, for those of you who come from places lucky enough to have - I don't know, orcs as enemies, instead. As one late Russian sympathizer once said: Imagine ...

The money you earn working your ass off is absorbed largely by the state, ostensibly to be distributed across the population to ensure a more egalitarian society, but actually to line the pockets of corrupt party leaders who then go off and build castles that make Al Indelicato look like Nancy Meyers in neighboring vassal states. You'll swap out the nice house you're living in now for planned concrete block "communities" of four hundred apartments each, all facing the same empty courtyard - the better to keep an eye on each other. A great way to make a few extra pennies is to report to your local "protection officer" that the old woman whose window you can see into at night just bought a suspiciously nice new shawl.

You can use those extra pennies to go down to the grocery store - if it's your appointed day to go down to the grocery store. When you get there, they won't have anything. That's because the guy in charge of deciding which food goes to which store is in the pocket of that aforementioned party leader, who needs some oranges to decorate the floating fruit trays on his infinity pool in Graftistan. He lets Mr. Grocery Distributor take home an extra pack of lunchmeat to his family every year for his trouble. So you're stuck looking at empty shelves and fighting over the privilege to pay eighty-six dollars for a pack of hot dog buns. (The hot dogs are made of beets, and they are out of stock.)

You'll be cooking whatever you can find in a pressure cooker made in the '30's, because no one has ever come up with anything better. There's no reason to. Any money you make off your innovation will just go right back to Comrade McMansion up there, so why bother? There are no new drugs developed. Technology stagnates. Any incentive to try something new has been completely stifled, and so there is nothing new. Life slugs along at the same grey, miserable status quo forever and ever, and you start to believe it's better that way because it's the same for everyone. Even though it's not. It just looks that way, because the only things allowed on your television are programs that tell you it is. Your television is black and white, and it is a CRT.

There is no remote.

Jan. 20th, 2018



I'm not sure that I'd consider my cooking skills semi-professional. Most of what I made during the war came in a tin or looked a little questionable before I threw it in a cast iron skillet and made the most of it. But my bacon and eggs remain pretty on point.



Rooting out communists is nothing short of a witch hunt.

So, with that in mind, who do I talk to about my list of suspects, comprised primarily of people I don't like?

Jan. 17th, 2018



[The Williams 'family']

I am familiar with none of you and perhaps I have been remiss in that, but if we're gonna do this, we're gonna fucking do it.

Hi kiddos. I'm Mom. This is not a position I ever anticipated finding myself in. I do apologize if I screw you up. Send the therapy bill my way.

Jan. 5th, 2018



There has been a lot of talk about whether or not we ought to be building these machines. Who they will benefit, who they won't, if we'll finish or not, who might control it once it's done -- even if it will do what Hotel says it will.

But there hasn't been a lot of talk about the fact Hotel block is doing all this work that could do great things for all of you, without very much support. We're having to barter with ourselves for motivation -- but what 's fair about it? Maybe you can't build these yourselves, but nothing is stopping you from making the burden easier for those that have to work.

[Jyn Erso]
How much work have you finished for this machine we're all building?



So where exactly does one get these powers everyone keeps talking about? I'm afraid I don't know all that much about magic. It's a rather forbidden subject where I'm from. I must admit I am a bit jealous of everyone that gets to fly. I just wonder, how does it work without wings?

And how do you feel without yours? Your grandfather is rather upset about this machine situation, as are many others. I'm trying to understand, but I'm afraid without context a lot of it is lost on me.

Jan. 2nd, 2018



I recognize now that the subject of powers or abilities is a complex issue. There are passionate opinions on both sides about whether or not we should even be proceeding with the construction of this machine, but for me the answer is clear, and I think it should be for all of us. We can't debate whether or not it's ethical or optional to manipulate our access to abilities, that power already exists. It's wielded by the Scientists who brought us here. We can't let those dictators keep it.

For those unaware, Hotel has been tasked with building a device that could control the Facility's accest to powers. While I, myself, have only been here a few days, I've read the constitution and collected enough anecdotes about the past experiences of individuals here to feel confident in stating that the scientists do not have our best interests at heart. For that reason alone we must push forward with the construction of this machine to give this power to those who hold our interests and our survival in their hearts. That is our government. That is ourselves. That is not the scientists.

[Gener Armitage Hux]
I trust you're feeling better?

OK! Carol and I think we should do a pajama party with the pajama's that we all got for Christmas!

Who's in?

Dec. 28th, 2017



I think I figured out what it was Slick wanted me to remember. Still doesn't clear all this mess up. Clears up a few things, but not the entirety of it. It's also not helpful considering I can't do much about anything from here. Kind of pointless to bring back all these memories and not be able to do anything with them.

Ah well.

Dec. 27th, 2017



Excuse me? I think there's been a bit of a mix up in this kidnapping. I'm just an IT guy and you're not going to get much of a ransom out of my cats.

Dec. 26th, 2017



A new book, some new tea, and a ranged (if apparently mostly harmless) weapon? A rather productive Candlenights-esque holiday, if I may say so.

Though I have to confess, I do...not understand the outfit that I received. I believe that they are pajamas or lounging clothes, at the very least, but they have a face. I am not sure that they are to my style but they are cozy.

Dec. 25th, 2017



So either my brain's fried in the wrong way and this is some unfortunate side effect of a poor decision to trust a man that responds to slick or this is real and things make about as much sense as they did when I started.

Dec. 21st, 2017



Somehow it doesn't really feel like Christmas. Not that that's a huge surprise or anything.

[AA Kids]
Are we doing anything for Christmas? Like buying already made food and eating it together?

Dec. 20th, 2017



i've had to face the harsh realization that my music career is going nowhere

apparently all i'm good at is football and warfare

so i'm quitting singing forever and cancelling my holiday show

with all new lyrics about winter and snow

sorry in advance to the three of you that bought tickets*

but there's greater talent in the chirping crickets

anyway everything sucks and i'm going to find a freezer to lock myself in

and forget my sorrows and the might-have-been

* sorry no refunds i spent it on poptarts

Nov. 21st, 2017



I may be alone in this but I think that that was...quite fun, actually. It felt good to be able to paint again. And to be relieved of my memories for however brief a time Alright Lucy, that's enough of that I have spent a lot of time living a lot of lives, though, so perhaps that is why.

Love the jacket I received, too. Capes improve everything.

Nov. 19th, 2017



So... who's hungry? My magic fingers are back and I have tomatoes. Someone locate some bread and cheese and I'll magic up some lettuce and whatever other greenery you like.

And I still have a goat. I'm an expert in bear-rearing and the mystical ways of cows, but goats are totally foreign to me. What am I supposed to do with this? Regina. Do you want this guy back?

You alright, Stubby?

I am immensely sorry for absolutely everything that came out of my mouth.



I believe it would help to have a running tally on who has checked in as being present to insure we are all here and accounted for.

Squad 1: Kobik, Maria Hill, Daisy Johnson, Jan, Bucky
Squad 2: Bruce Banner, Sharon Carter, Natalia Romanova, Dick Grayson
Squad 3: Bucky Barnes, Jessica Jones, Natasha
Squad 4: Wanda
Squad 5: Hazel, Clint, Kamala, Lucretia,
Squad 6: Rogue, Kitty Pryde, Chidi, Betsy, Tahani, Raven, Jean, Jason, Magneto
Squad 7: Nathan, Hope, Rogue, Jean Grey, Logan, Emma, Hank
Squad 8: River, Luke Skywalker
Squad 9: Liv, Bail, Mon Mothma
Squad 10: Selina Kyle,
Squad 11: Helena, Kira, Lois, Cosima, Alex, Clark,
Squad 12: Audrey, Sam, Betty, Briggette, Jo, Jughead, Dean and Johanna Mason, Sans
Squad 13: Newt, Gretel, Phyrne, Regina, Robin Hood, Vax, Margaery