Incomplete Data: A panfandom, multi-world RP.

Incomplete Data

October 2018



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October 31st, 2017



This isn't even my worst Halloween. That one I spent in one of those cities where everyone who arrives assumes that the entire place is on perpetual vacation, and about ninety percent of them think it's incredibly fucking clever to play Thriller and Monster Mash on an infinitely alternating loop starting at midnight and ending whenever one of them stumbles out of the pile they fell asleep in on the gallery to shut it off.

Reader, I swatted them before swatting was even a thing. I got to have my morning coffee & beignets watching them all get thrown into the back of a van. So the good news is: a bad day can always really turn around for you. Cheer up.



Again with the goddamn timer? Doesn't it skew the results if the subjects know to pucker up?



[Sam Wilson]
Do you think there's anything we should do, or prep for, before the timer runs out?



In every action movie made, a countdown timer never means anything good....



[ooc: Eleven does not know how to read or write, so this is a video post she 'accidentally' discovered]

"...Hello? ...Mike?"



Is this timer meant to be some form of intimidation? Some seem very uneasy.



just ignoring the clock right now

Hope everyone is having a somewhat fun Halloween!



[Galen, Bodhi, Cassian]
Whatever we're going into, wherever we end up, we find each other first.