Incomplete Data: A panfandom, multi-world RP.

Incomplete Data

October 2018



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October 10th, 2017



Who: Matt and Darcy
When: 10/09/17
Where: Alfa
What: An attempted reconciliation.
Rating: PG-13, language.

Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice... )



I want to start this off by saying how sorry I am for the losses you suffered during these Games. I know that Max was put into his stasis because of his tendency to, well, go apeshit over his family. I can't really say that I blame him.

But now that it's over, I'm not sure it's a good idea to keep him that way. Our squad has been discussing if it's time to let him out. Maybe talk to the scientists about taking his powers temporarily or Scott's suggestion of a plastic [...] prison. So that he can properly grieve.

You're his family, so obviously we'll defer to whatever you think is best. It's just... He's been really kind to me since we got here. Well, as kind as Max ever is.

And if you take him out of it, there's been suggestions not to do it until after Harley's trial.
While Max is incapacitated, Squad 8 has decided to have a temporary councilor in his place. I've volunteered.



You'd think they'd have a little more sympathy for the people they put in those games. Instead, there's just urns in the chapel, labeled with numbers. They didn't even dignify them with their names. It's disgusting.

I feel useless. At least back home, I had a purpose with this. Here, I'm just a zombie.



Tomorrow marks the beginning of the trials for those who participated against their will in the Wittgenstein sanctioned "Hunger Games." We all lost friends, loved ones, soldiers and family to the senselessness of this scenario. Now, we're left to navigate those feelings of loss and unfairness. We're left contemplating what justice means, and how we're going to obtain it.

In the United States, our military holds its own trials because of the circumstances of combat, of life and death, and what is acceptable under those circumstances is unique. I believe that we cannot look at the crimes of the accused without a similar context, we cannot decide based only on what we saw in the broadcasts on the guilt or innocence of anyone. When laws are considered absolute, there is no justice. So many of us here have lives which are exercises in exceptions -- there are plenty of people here who have done objectively terrible things for the right reasons. There are some of us here who've done things we aren't proud of because it ensured the survival of ourselves or the people that we care about. All of that is worth taking into consideration.

[squad 4]


Quickly, I should have done this already.



Alfa Ward


I am just the right amount of buzzed right now. Thank you Regina.