Incomplete Data: A panfandom, multi-world RP.

Incomplete Data

October 2018



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August 11th, 2017



I may require some assistance with my [...] infestation problem.

Who: Jean Grey & Matt Murdock
When: 08/10 - During the Ladybug Apocalypse
Where: Romeo #626
What: Jean told Matt she'd help him get the bugs out of his room....

if he closed his eyes. )



Sharks don't talk, right? So how come I'm pretty sure one just told me to stop yelling at him because he was moving out of my way already. He told me he'd bite me in half and spit me out just to get me to shut up.

Unless I'm just going crazy.



[Filtered to Natalia Romanova]
Wanna watch a movie i bought?



It is a tale that the Ladybirds bring with them an omen of great luck and bountiful harvest. Unless of course you happen to step on one, and then you shall be cursed one year for each spot on her wing.

Good that I never believed in such things.

The lanterns in the ceilings can be changed with a small lever in the walls from several yards away. Ser Audrey informs me that they are connected with wires. It was an embarrassing moment, he caught me trying to set one out by blowing. This device called network does not have wires, nor does it appear to be some magical ink as I first guessed. I dropped it in surprise when the messages first appeared, but this glass is very strong and did not shatter.

Nobody else thinks this is unusual.

In my confusion in the matters, I forgot to inquire. What year are you from? Have you heard word of what year it is now?

Have you been successful in creating your repellent for the Ladybirds?

[Ser Audrey]
If I am not mistaken, you have traded shirts with another, larger man. I can only speculate what sequence of events came to pass last night.

Thank you for your assistance with the lights.

[Women of Echo and Mike]
At the suggestion of Lady Janet, I come to you with a humbling request. Never have I needed to borrow clothing or beg charity, but if there's any spare garment or cloth you no longer desire, I would be indebted to your generosity. I promise I will find a way to repay it in turn.

[Lord November]
I do not appreciate being ignored. You will grant me audience and listen to my terms.



Kobik and Kira,

I got something for you when we got our reward!

Three Two and a half pounds of blow pops, and this really cool band kit.


[The Adults]
