Incomplete Data: A panfandom, multi-world RP.

Incomplete Data

October 2018



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August 9th, 2017




Who: Everyone Invited/Attending Marian Pouncy's Birthday Party
When: Afternoon/Evening
Where: Tiki Bar & The Beach
What: IC/OOC Party Thread!

This afternoon, Billy, Mimi & Sharon Carter took over the Tiki Bar to set up for a surprise party for Poundcakes, Billy magicing up streamers, decorations and party lights. For the main event, an entertaining strip tease was performed for Pouncy by (MCU) Clint Barton - thanks in part to music from (AA) Bucky Barnes borrowed iPod. There was a dayglow, black-light responsive and glitter covered birthday cake enough for all, compliments of the combined efforts of Billy Kaplan and Loki. Finally, Sharon Carter called in a favor from her other-universe counterpart to get a birthday drink for Pouncy.

Birthday Cake! )



So here's the thing. I totally spent all of my MOOLAH from the Clue thing on sewing supplies. No fabric, because there's a lot of things we're never going to use anymore from other scenarios or experiments or whatever we're going to call them!

Anyway, my whole point is that I can do alterations! If they're necessary. And I can make something new out of what you've already got. So if anyone wants to donate old clothing/fabric, I'll keep a list of the fabric, how much, and who donated it so we can make sure that everyone can get what they need done.

I've been ITCHING to have more OPTIONS so if you don't want your clothes, I will HAPPILY take them.



Can anyone from Earth tell me if Ferrero Rocher chocolates deserve all the good reviews on the site? I have, like, fifty coming at me whenever we get our shipments and I'm hoping they weren't a waste of money.

I don't need to be able to read your mind to know that you're cross with me. Just your fists.







greeti GREETI

Greetings, citizens of the unknown realm. I am Queen Margaery of the Seven Kingdoms, wife of King Tommen Baratheon, first of his name. I am told that this glass has some property of magic that allows my words to be seen. I implore you now to read them.

I appreciate the unique hospitality shown during my captivity here, but I must speak to the Lord in charge to arrange for my ransom to be returned to my rightful home at King's Landing and avoid war between our great kingdoms.

Your cooperation in the matter will be greatly rewarded.

Edit: [Lord November]

I am told you are the one I am to make negotiations with regarding my imprisonment.



You all realize I've been locked in two dozen labs and prisons and just as many escape bounties on my head, right? I mean, do you ACTUALLY think you're gonna keep ME here?


This joint seems pretty low security compared to what I'm used to. Maybe it's Club Med for you other lab rats but I AM NOT COOL WITH THIS SHIT.



I think I had this exact bathing suit in college.