Incomplete Data: A panfandom, multi-world RP.

Incomplete Data

October 2018



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August 8th, 2017



So. We're back to the drawing board with the constitution and throwing around ideas. One of the issues we're stuck on is how we're going to enforce the rights and rules we're committing to. While for the most part, we feel like we can handle doling out assignments, responsibilities and tasks as consequences for most rule-breaking, we wanted to know if you'd be willing to work with us to come up with a system of punishments we can request for more extreme cases. Like, removing powers, for example. Or limiting access to rewards or the facility amenities you asked Mike and Echo block to request.

We have some idea, already, that if we asked for your help with a spec resident you will probably be expecting something from us in return, so I'd like to talk a little bit about that, too.



[21+ Friends* of Sharon Carter (MCU), Songbird + Poundcakes, but filtered so Pouncy can't see!]
So Mimi and I had a lot of sugar yesterday and decided we're holding a surprise birthday party for Marian Pouncy tomorrow. Tiki Bar, 8:00pm.

JSYK, there might be a male stripper involved.

*Just ask if you're not sure!



I'd like to formally apologize for my behavior yesterday. It happens every full moon, and it has since last Halloween. If anyone is missing shoes, I'm more than willing to go down to the beach with you and try and remember where I buried them.

Again, sorry.



Anybody from the beginning got some of that pink twine? I want to make seashell necklaces.


You know, we never really properly caught up. Since I left.

[Billy ♥]

You can magic up just about anything, yeah?



[Filtered to Dean]
Up for hitting the beach with me?



I did not anticipate how badly I'd end up with a sunglasses tan in only a matter of hours.

I need you to conjure up some edible glitter and blacklight responsive icing. Like, I could do it, but you probably have experience with this kind of thing.



I'm afraid I'm not used to purchasing things aside from food, shelter, and parts for my ship. I'm going through this website, and the only thing I can think of is a meditation pillow, which is certainly not something I absolutely need.

Perhaps someone could suggest some books on Earth history, the basics since many of you come from various dimensions. Or even suggest something that I should try.



Would anyone care to place a wager on where we'll end up next?

[Andrew Dussolier]
I have something of yours.