Incomplete Data: A panfandom, multi-world RP.

Incomplete Data

October 2018



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June 29th, 2017



In the words of Freud,"humor is a means of obtaining pleasure in spite of the distressing affects that interfere with it; it acts as a substitute for the generation of these affects, it puts itself in their place."

So I will attempt to deflect my continued anxiety at the countdown with a collection of lighthearted jokes. With Remy's advice, I have constructed several humorous riddles that I wish to share.

One: Why was the number 7 feared by the preceding integer 6?

Two: What is a pirate's favorite letter of the English alphabet?

Three: Why can a Tyrannosaurus rex, a large coelurosaurian theropod dinosaur, not clap?

Four: Knock Knock.

Please submit your responses below.



Who: Abby Griffin (and whoever decides to show)
When: [Backdated] Late evening June 27th after this
Where: By Train Car 11
What: Band Meeting
Rating: ?????

[OOC Note: Sorry for the delay in having this up. We had two emergencies at work this week that required me to work after hours]



[Old Man]
You need to actually do those shielding exercises I taught you. There I was, trying to sleep last night, and all I could feel was your anger. Nothing will keep me out if I'm determined to get in but it'd be nice to keep you from broadcasting to me whenever you have a tiff with someone.

Everything okay?



Since tonight is, I believe, our last night here, and we don't know where we'll be going after this, I'd say we should all get to know one another around the fire tonight. I mean the alternative to some sort of bacchanal is, what, going to our trains and having more dreams? It hardly seems up for debate.

And if anyone needs to say some bizarre things for no discernable reason, I'm sure we'll as a group look the other way.



I would like to invite anyone who is interested in celebrating the end of the countdown by singing songs and praising Jesus's name to join me near the animals this evening.

Now ordinarily, I wouldn't do this since I'm a woman and I should sit in the pew and do as I'm told, but I'm really feeling the spirit today. I'd like for you to join me.



[Poe Dameron]
We need to talk.



Who: Orson Krennic and Captain Phasma
What: Partying.
Where: Car 1, then around the fire.
When: Tonight.
Warnings: Negligible.

But he would keep that opinion to himself. )



hey uh anybody seen janet? we need to talk about this... costume. it's throwing off my aesthetic.



Who wants to place bets on where we'll end up next?

[Filtered to Clint Barton (616), Robin Hood]
I was thinking about trying something a little William Tell meets Duelling Banjos for our last night. For old time's sake.

You want in on this?



Who: Faith Lehane
What: Completing her goal?
Where: In the crowds
When: During the presumably last night they're performing, just after
Warning: R for violence

[ooc: this is supposed to be a narrative, but if anyone wants to tag in - feel free]

This whole place was hell. )



[Filtered to Natasha Romanoff (MCU)]
What the hell, Romanoff?