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Jan. 27th, 2021


what the fuck

[OoC: For a change, teenage Dan! He's going to be 17 tomorrow, so yes, he drinks and smokes and it's not good, but it's better than how he is when he's 25. I couldn't find all that many pictures of Ewan as a teenager, so I'll be using some of the icons for 25-yr-old Dan as well.]


Well shit, would you look at you guys?

Sorry little me, I fucked up your shirt.

Dec. 1st, 2020


Am I allowed to hibernate until March?


backdated to Higgs's death

bye bitch

Oct. 3rd, 2020



are you really busy?

i need some new shirts and i don't want to ask mom and dad.

Oct. 2nd, 2020


Losers + his family (backdated, during his conversation with Higgs)

we need a code or something. you have to ask me every time you see me. no matter what.

Sep. 30th, 2020



what do you want from us?

Sep. 18th, 2020



are all of you okay?

[Richie has been magically-assisted sleeping for a while and has just woken up]

Aug. 7th, 2020


so, what'd we miss this time?

Jul. 28th, 2020


Is someone having a fucking giggle?


Question: would it be possible to install a clapper on the lights here? I need to know, for science.

Jul. 18th, 2020


(Posted late during the memorial, Richie's had a few drinks)

how dull life must be to live without any hills to die on. to survive on vast, barren, plains of compromise, and acceptance, and accommodation, while I reign supreme over the lush, rolling, highlands of stupid shit I have irrationally chosen to stake my entire identity on.

the hills are alive with all the fucks I give

Jul. 5th, 2020


Island Network, Posted in the morning

I'm in the Spire. Does anyone know what's going on? Is anyone else of you on the island?

[Filtered to family]

Please tell me you are okay.

Jun. 30th, 2020


Greetings, fellow station dwellers.

I am not certain that what I have to say requires such a formal declaration, but I feel that to continue in such an evasive and abashed manner about these things would be greatly disrespectful to those who courageously fought against injustice and inequality. And if you can't say it during a whole month of pride, then you risk staying silent forever.

I am a homosexual.

Jun. 26th, 2020


Alright y'all, I know the wedding is still hopping over there but it's PRIDE month too and I'mma be loud about it for a few minutes, because that's half of my personality, and because in some alternate universe I was not, and that is just sad. Normally there is a party for this, but I think most of us are partied out.

Things here are pretty great, all said and done, but I know not everyone is from here and sometimes the shit you need to hear isn't said. So, as the resident disaster gay, I'm just gonna put it plain and simple: it doesn't matter if you're not straight. Literally doesn't matter. If anyone makes it a thing I would call them an asshole but those are more fun and it would be an insult to asses everywhere. You have every right to be who you are and if anyone wants to fight me on that I will sic an angry Eddie on you. He is very loud and talks VERY fast and it is terrifying.

Jun. 3rd, 2020


Hey Eds! I got that new nightstand you wanted :)

pic )

Apr. 16th, 2020


what is this gathering in the world through the door. i do not understand it. what are they celebrating.

Apr. 11th, 2020


Who the hell is Roman Sionis, and why do I need to dress like him?

Apr. 9th, 2020


I need group costumes IMMEDIATELY.

Also Eddie, you can choose one that involves a suit and tie or fishnets, leather, and a briefcase.

Apr. 7th, 2020


Is it wrong for me to complain that my boyfriend is under four feet tall? It absolutely feels wrong to call him my boyfriend with him like that.

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