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Feb. 3rd, 2013


Are there any ghosts out there that would be willing to be subjected to a few scans so that I could get started on an experiment? It won't hurt a bit and all you have to do is stand there and look pretty.

And for that matter, anyone who isn't a plain old regular human being would be greatly appreciated. I promise that it is strictly for informational purposes. I love it when I don't know things. I'm weird like that.

Jan. 31st, 2013


I know this is following up Malcolm's tirade awful close, but I've sat here quietly for far too long.

Hullo, my name is George Sands Jr and I'm a werewolf.

If we haven't met in some way, through my fiancee or my daughter, if I haven't said hello to you before now, that's because you all come off as a bunch of self serving cunts.

The first chance you get, the moment anyone says anything you don't like you set off on attacking them. Attacking their opinions with your own, and getting right pissed because they wont change their opinions to suit yours. And when you still don't get your way you resort to mindless low brow insults.

If everyone had the same bloody opinion this place would get pretty fucking boring. What makes one person interesting is the fact that they have a different opinion than you do. You should respect the fact that someone is brave enough to have their own opinion and have their own principles and are willing to stand by them. Instead of calling names sit and get to know their opinion, open your mind to new things. The world is a lot bigger than the little space you occupy.

I realize that's just what I did. Name call. And it was a little low brow, but it seems intelligence has bypassed some of you, so that's all you understand. Low brow insults.

I was the second person to arrive to this death trap of an island. Does that make me the king of the mountain? Fuck no. Does it entitle me to my own opinion? Well no, but I do have my own because I am my own man. They are often not even the same as my darling Nina's, but that's why I love her. Because she's bold and loud and outspoken. Doesn't fucking care if you like her or not.

Now we could all come together, and find some common ground, rather than sit at each other's throats, and make this island livable again. Or you can sit in your fucking corners and mumble and moan and cry when someone's individual thought doesn't jive with yours.

I know, while you all had your heads up your arses, there are quite a few tragic things that happened. Instead of being at someone's throat, why don't you take a moment, and look and see if there's someone who needs a little sympathy. Maybe it isn't someone you've seen show any, but does that really matter? A broken heart is a broken heart. Pretend you don't know anything about them, and do the kind human thing to do. Offer a hand, a shoulder, or a kind word. Maybe a clean tissue wouldn't hurt. If wouldn't hurt you in some way, wrap a sad stranger up in a hug, and just tell them it'll be alright. Even if it wont. You don't know how far those kind words will go. How much those kind words will help rebuild someone's faith.

We all have to live here. Or we will all die here. You can contribute to one, or the other.

Jan. 26th, 2013


Filtered to werewolves

I've just realised it's getting towards the full moon so I thought it might be an idea to let you know Malcolm and I've moved near to forest, I mean we're not likely to be out and about late at night or anything but I thought I should let you know, in case it changed your plans at all.

Jan. 7th, 2013


Does anyone have the powers of a ghost who shouldn't normally have them? Someone out there who noticed that they cannot eat or drink. Please, tell me. I need to know.

Aug. 23rd, 2012



Mitchell... He is hurt, so hurt. There is a hole in his chest. Fire, lot's of fire and screaming. Explosion. Needs help HELP!!!

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