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Mar. 1st, 2023


Bye-bye, snow. You won't be missed.

Feb. 15th, 2023


[Filtered away from kids]

So, the Arcology. If anyone wants to come along and see what we can do to help the people inside, I'm gonna need you to reply here so we can sort stuff out. I've got someone to help us get inside, but anyone else who can teleport or do some magicy thing to get in, and you want to help, let me know here too.

So, Renraku Arcology. It's been shutdown for a while now. There's still a lot of people trapped inside there. People have tried to get people out and the Ork underground has done what it can to help but it's not been easy on them. That and they're kinda only pro-Ork so, that's a thing and it's also why we're not going to them to help us get in. It's not gonna work.

So if anyone is interested in joining us, say something here. It's going to be really dangerous. I don't know a lot about what's happened but I have seen the news reports and this trip is not for the faint of heart. We're going to need people capable of fighting, people who are good with tech, and maybe some medics to help the wounded? I'm not sure what else we'll need because we're all kind going into this blind. No information has gotten out of the Arcology since it shutdown nearly a year ago. Nothing gets in, nothing gets out. Mages can't astral walk into the place, deckers can't hack into their net, it's totally cut off and isolated. Anyone who tries to fly in gets shot down. Every entrance is sealed off. Which is why we're using Espejo's teleportation.

I gotta be honest with you all. Something about the Arcology. It kinda resonates with me. Something told me I needed to try and get in and when some of you guys seemed interested in helping people out there, I guess it just sort of gave me the motivation to actually do something about it. So, for what it's worth, thanks.

Chaos Tech


[This post went out on Valentines day]

I don't know how many of you guys celebrate it or even if it's still a thing here on a space station (That's a sentence I never thought I'd write). Anyways, happy valentines day, or singles awareness day, or whatever you wanna call it.

I celebrated by eating ice cream and decorating my apartment. What did you get up to?

Oh and I've made a few special Valentines drinks that will available at the bar for the rest of the week. Stop by at Bad Things 2, if you wanna try something new.

Feb. 5th, 2023


I found a pyramid. It's really tall!

Feb. 1st, 2023


I missed Christmas!

Jan. 27th, 2023


accidental voice post, in Na'vi

I can't feel...Eywa! Please! Lead me back to you!

Jan. 26th, 2023


My dudes and dudettes! We have a new door! And it's to my world. I mean, it's to the place I was before the other station and then you know, this one. The door leads to Seattle. Looks like it's summer there too, so you can all get a break from the freaky snow! So I went through and when I got there, I had a credstick. It's basically a thing that has money on it you can spend so you can buy things when you get there.

The door takes you to downtown Seattle. Probably should prepare you for some stuff.

Info here )

Dec. 29th, 2022


Festive Wishes

Hey all,

I took the time to read through your messages for "Christmas" and whilst I'm not sure it's something I understand it is aligned to a week-long celebration of SLA Industries, brand sales and then a large series of events, parties & Vid-Specials to celebrate Formation & the Big Picture. I think, the timing roughly aligns, but I much prefer your collective celebrations than that of my home amaranth.

So... Merry Christmas (belated) and a Happy New Year when it arrives.

Did I do it right?



Jul. 2nd, 2022


Hey, Bryn!

[Photo of a door she'll find very familiar]

We got a door to your place again, for a month. It opens up into your office, again, and it's winter in 2022 out there. Enjoy!

Jun. 29th, 2022


Friday is Canada Day!  I know in previous years, I've had all day Canadian food in the food court.   This Friday, I'd like to do something different by recreating Prince Albert National Park in that virtual reality classroom.   It's a beautiful place.  If there's enough room in the classroom, there's golfing, hiking, bike riding, horseback riding, so many things to do.   There's wildlife to see too. Bison, eagles, osprey, white pelicans, beavers, elk, bears, moose.   We can watch the northern lights at the end of the day.   If people do somehow get bored, we can recreate other Canadian places too.

I'll bring a picnic lunch and dinner, including Saskatoon-style berry pie for dessert.

Everyone is welcome.

This would mean using the virtual reality classroom all day.   Does anyone mind?

Jun. 28th, 2022


Greetings one and all. For those of you who do not know me, I am Dr. John Redel. My doctorate is in Robotics and Engineering.

I have been working in a project for the past few months and I am proud to announce it's completion. The project is an enhanced Virtual Reality room using hard light holograms. To put it in layman's terms, the room can be anything you want it to be. Would you like to be in Japan during the Feudal days? Have at it. Want a date night on one of the moons of Saturn? Enjoy.

It is located on Wheel 3. (Shows a map of its location.) Please enjoy it to your hearts' content. If it is successfully enjoyed, I will start plans to make another.

If you have any questions please do not hesitate to ask.

Edit: The only thing I will be requesting is that no one use it on Thursday nights between 8 and 9PM.

Jun. 14th, 2022


This is probably karma but FUCK

Can someone get me off of this station. Please. Just for an hour or so while Philip's in school.

Jun. 6th, 2022


So a few weeks ago I posted a thirst trap picture, as a guy, and I'm curious if I post one now that I'm a proper woman, would it get more attention, or less.

Click here to see the picture )

May. 27th, 2022


Our next town hall meeting will be on Saturday, June 4th, 3pm at [location].

Attendance is not mandatory in any way, but everyone is very welcome.

If anyone would like a copy of the minutes of any previous meetings, you can let myself or Liberty know and we can arrange that.

If anyone else has any points for discussion they would like raised, you can let myself or Katherine know in advance and it will be added to the order of business to ensure we cover it. There will also be time set aside for open discussion, so don't worry if you don't get your point in on time.

- A. Hamilton.

[Filtered away from Philip]

P.S. My son is nine years old again. I'm holding onto his phone for a couple of days because of the absolute filth but just in case anyone was thinking of giving him a message... well, he's nine now, you dig me? Okay.

May. 26th, 2022


I would like to honor the people we lost. I do wish we had a door to do so better, and their souls would not be t but will make do with the lake in the third wheel park. I've fashioned a long boat, and have printed out more than a few photos of people who have vanished.

If you would like to join me I will wait for you, especially if you wish to add anything to the boat for their send off. If no one wishes to join me I will set the boat on fire at midnight.

May. 23rd, 2022


Some things got broken. I'll fix them later.

I won't be home tonight. Sorry. I need to
I love you. Don't vanish
I'll be back in the morning. Promise. Lyla will know where I am.

¿Beber conmigo?

May. 15th, 2022


Text to Steven

[Text is send the morning after this]

Hello, Steven. I met you in the food court last night. You were not yourself. Are you okay?

May. 13th, 2022


Would there be any interest from the young people here in a debate club as an extra-curricular?


My head still hurts. I think mixing Blue and Beer was a baaad idea.

May. 11th, 2022


[Past midnight last night, Philip posts this video of Alexander karaoke-ing. Imagine, of course, longer hair tied back, more old fashioned clothing, and the 'crowd' being equally pissed stationers!]

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