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August 20th, 2013

[info]aedwardstark in [info]compass_network

Just so that everyone knows. Some information has been sent to your phones. Stay away from that little dot, unless you know how to handle the current situation. This way everybody stays safe and nobody gets accidentally hurt.

[info]captain_srogers in [info]compass_network

I didn't
It's not what it

I'm sorry. I'll stay away.

[info]harry_dresden_ in [info]compass_network

closed to Maryanne

I'll kill him

[info]fuckitybye in [info]compass_network

Are you fucking kidding me? Seriously? What the fuck is this? Fucking hell, kill me off, bring me back, kill me off, bring me back- fucking hell, I'm not fucking herpes. Fuck this.

Right. Who's still here? Have you ran out of booze yet? Have you ran out of food yet? Have we resorted to cannibalism yet? Who's fucking who and all that?

[info]maryanne_walker in [info]compass_network

Message to Steve (Cap)

So.. we should talk. The last time I tried this you switched subjects on me. Then it was okay. Now... I know you feel bad but I can't help but think, what if it had been Clint. Or Sophia. Or Tim... Or someone more squishable and unused to the pummeling of big fists.

You don't scare me, but I'm afraid for them. If you don't get help it could be one of them. I don't want to guilt you into this. But if that's what it takes.

I'm thinking about starting a group. For the people who can't sleep. For whatever reason. And I want you to help me start it. Because next time it could be someone that can't fix themselves with a switch of flesh. And I don't want you to go through what that would do to you.