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August 21st, 2013

[info]maryanne_walker in [info]compass_network

(Possibly NSFW talk)

Just thought I'd let everyone know... The boobs are back, and they are fabulous.

Also... Everything else is back to normal too. Cute nose is back to being cute nose.

[info]macleod1518 in [info]compass_network

The tits are gone and everything's back where it's supposed to be.

[info]petuniasno1fan in [info]compass_network

This is not what I expected when I woke up this morning.

[info]anotherhellhole in [info]compass_network

Y'know, I dunno if this is great or really fucking annoying.

[info]ciaauggie in [info]compass_network


Been reading on here there's a few of you who are in the same boat - in someone else's body. Anyone able to tell me if this is permanent, or do we change back?

[info]aedwardstark in [info]compass_network

While doing a sweep of the island, I picked up a heat signature in Vinyamar. Anybody know anything about that?

[info]sookiescookies in [info]compass_network

Hey ladies and other people..

Here at Sookie's Cookies and Pies, I usually just do one special every week. Well, I had a bit of insomnia and from that I can give you three new specials!

A delicious pork sausage, sage and onion pie

Decadent salted caramel devil's food cake

And.... a seasonal blueberry and lemon lattice pie

Hope everybody likes the new offerings. We're offering up a vote. The best one stays on the permanent menu.

[info]genepunk in [info]compass_network

Filtered to all the future kids

I'm not certain if any of you will know me or not, but I'm Micha Delmare.

I was wondering if you would be willing to indulge my curiosity about the future?

[info]nikephoros_lost in [info]compass_network

Filtered to Hope Winchester and Cherry Quillwand

that was hard doing. i do not like icepictur

i want hav dinr togethr. hope and cherryfrut togethr. is ok? i cook.

[info]b_s_pierce in [info]compass_network

I am going to do the choreography for Quinn's musical, because it will be fun. Also, there's nothing to do on this island.... I am so bored. I miss Santana, and I wonder if I have kids in the future, everyone else did. I think I'd be a good mommy.