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June 24th, 2013

[info]thehalfelven in [info]compass_network

[Filtered; Elrond]
Father? Do you think it wise to speak to Eärendil? Not you yourself, as I know well your [...] thoughts on the matter. But it occurs to me that he may be confused. There is much fighting, as Faramir points out, between elves and men. But like us, he is neither.

He is being told from both sides that half of who he is is wrong and bad. As the half-elven ourselves I think I may be able to reach him. And give him comfort where no one offers him any.

But I know also that he is not my child, but my grandfather, and I know of his mother's reluctance to have us near him for fear we may speak things he should not hear.

[info]captainofgondor in [info]compass_network

I have been watching the arguing and bickering taking place among the citizens here for some time now, and while I thought it best for some time to keep my silence, I think perhaps I should give my opinion on the matter in the hope that it may be of some help.

I am neither a supernatural creature nor an Elf, although I am acquainted with both sets of people through the time I have spent here. Nay, I am but a Man, possessed perhaps of some wisdom, but knowing enough that I am aware that I know very little.

It is only as a man who treasures peace that I speak. Many of us who have arrived here have arrived here from a time of war, or a time equally wrought with violence and despair, and we arrive here with these pains and prejudices intact. None of us are perfect, and many of us are wounded in deep and profound ways. Therefore, instead of holding our wisdom above those of all others, it is perhaps wisest to speak, to listen, to have an open forum for the exchange of ideas. For wisdom withheld festers and rots, and it is only through learning that such knowledge can grow and bear fruit.

Therefore, I hold that we should hold regular meetings for those who are interested. These would be a place where we could join together and share our knowledge. For with so many people from so many different places, there is much we can all learn, I think. These would not be a place for arguing, but a place for open and civil discourse. It is a small step, perhaps, but it is only by learning about others that the prejudice that seems to be building between us can be ended.

[info]vanya_elenwe in [info]compass_network

Why must we wear swimsuits to the beach party?

It is so much more fun to swim in the nude.

[info]double_0_seven in [info]compass_network

You know, I've never been to a baseball game before.

[info]turukano in [info]compass_network

Our histories are not valueless entertainment meant for mass consumption. They are private sufferings, and the details of our lives are not supposed to be shared with anyone who wants to thumb through a book out of mild curiosity.

If you want to know my story ask me, and I will share what I think is important for you to know. Better that you don't care at all and never seek to find out.

[info]deaderpool in [info]compass_network

[info]daniphantom in [info]compass_network

So someone told me there are other ghosts around here. Is that true?

[info]anaire in [info]compass_network

While I was in town yesterday, I discovered a series of books that are pertinent to my people. I would like very much if the people from my world would read them, but I would also like to offer them to those from different places.

They tell the story and tragedy of my people, and all the griefs we have suffered. They are not an easy read - indeed, they are quite a painful one - and yet they explain our sorrows and hearts better than anything else ever could.

Please, let me know if you are interested. I think it would be a good way to start a conversation between the different peoples of the island.

[info]ruskybusiness in [info]compass_network

[Private to Steve Rogers]
Do you ever get the feeling you're being watched?

Hey. How's your Monday going?

[info]famanoran in [info]compass_network

Are the dragons welcome at the beach party?

And would you like us to bring anything?

[info]hedonism in [info]compass_network

[Private to Deadpool]
... Do you eat?

[info]thewinterknight in [info]compass_network

Okay, here's the deal. I've got this thing inside going on with me that.. is dangerous for everyone. It makes me highly allergic to iron. And iron really pisses me off when it touches me.

But if you stick me properly it'll


It'll stop me in my tracks pretty effectively. Don't tell me what piece of iron you're carrying, or where you have it on you because I'll know to be wary of it. Which is exactly the opposite point of this message.

But I'm working on containing it. So. It's best to just you know.. I'm--I've got it.

But you know. Just in case.

And Deadpool I swear to god if you poke me for fun I will kill you every time I see you.