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April 14th, 2013

[info]vanya_elenwe in [info]compass_network

Well, I guess I don't need my coat anymore. It is quite warm here.

And...quite unlike where I was when I fell asleep.

Sara? Itarillë? Are you here?

[info]maryanne_walker in [info]compass_network

Accidental voice post. (xD we'll say she was going to make a different post and bb started crying.)

[There's a wailing infant in the background. Screaming it's little head off.]

Shh.. Shh little man. We can't go out tonight. It's far too late. But Mommy has just the thing.

[Her fingers were obviously deft as they plucked the chords to Home, by Phillip Phillips. Her voice was a husky alto firm when she was making a point, and light and delicate when it needed to be. As she chimed in with the words.]
Lyrics! )

[By the end the baby had stopped crying. And when the song stopped completely he was cooing. She chuckled softly.]

Your Uncle Mitchell is going to be so smug. You know that right?

[All sound stopped after a snap, as if the computer lid had been simply shut.]

[info]theheartofme in [info]compass_network

[Filtered; Sophia]

Hi there! I'm Elena. Mitchell asked you about me. :) I'm going to help you out with some schooling! Erm...I promise not to be boring and annoying and give you homework.

[Filtered; Damon]

I'm nervous. I really hope I can teach this girl some things...and that she won't hate me.

[info]miss_brilliant in [info]compass_network

Hello everyone. I've been here nearly a week now, and while I've come up with all sorts of things I'd like to know, I thought maybe since none of us seem to really have much idea how the island itself does...whatever it does, I'd start with something that might be a bit easier to answer.

I know there's a great many people who have experienced changes in their bodies after going near the Spire. However, I was curious if anyone else has had their body change before that, when they arrived? Of course, no one is obligated to answer if it's too personal or anything, but I'd like to know if I'm something of anomaly or not.

Thank you in advance.

[info]im_the_money in [info]compass_network

Well, this is quite fascinating, isn't it?

[info]maryanne_walker in [info]compass_network

Filtered away from Jason

Okay, please please PLEASE, someone tell me I'm not hearing things. That I haven't actually had my mental break. Can anyone else actually hear a very lovely Louisiana Bayou accent over the CB?

[info]ultimatewingman in [info]compass_network

Seriously? Are we still playing this game? I am so definitely fired.

[info]ghostwiththetea in [info]compass_network

feeling a little lost today, almost like I can hear voices in the static again, can someone please distract me?

OOC: Because Loz is a plonker and put it on the wrong comm. I won't take both sets of points

[info]vanya_elenwe in [info]compass_network

[Private to Maedhros]

I'm moving in with you. I just thought you should know.