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April 13th, 2013

[info]bigredmac in [info]compass_network

Hey everybody.

Starting tomorrow morning at dawn, we're going to need every able bodied person on the farm to help pick the zap apples. We got a real short window to get them off the trees before they disappear. Once they're picked, they last a while, but they gotta get picked. The more people we have there to pick things the better. So please. We got about 15 trees that need harvesting.

If you're small and can climb trees you'd be especially appreciated. I'm also on the look out for ladders, baskets and barrels. And wheelbarrows if anybody can find some. Just need to get these apples off the trees and into some kind of storage by dark tomorrow.

Thanks in advance.

Just reminded, thanks to Annie, any of you ghosts that can do that rent a ghost thingy would be helpful too. Help get the baskets emptied faster and what not. Just gotta find a place to put them all now.

(OOC: picking of the apples will be hand waved, in case you were worried about having to participate in a multiperson thread lol)

[info]queenofrohan in [info]compass_network

So...I am afraid I have gotten off on the wrong foot with so many of the people here, and I am very much hoping to fix that. This world is very, very different than the one I come from and I fear I made the mistake several times of judging people by the mores of my world. And I am sorry.

If I am here for a while, I want to be a part of this world. And help where I can. My baby will be born in just a few months, and I don't want her to grow up in a place where she's hated by most everyone around her.

So. May we start over?

[info]nelyafinwe in [info]compass_network

[Filtered; Tuor]
My brother is dead. I found him this evening in his chambers. I know that Itarillë was very fond of him, if you might share the news with her I would be grateful.

That we might enter into a period of mourning together.

[Filtered; Aikanáro]
I need you for an evening.