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April 3rd, 2013

[info]queenofrohan in [info]compass_network

Filtered to Éomer

Éomer, my love, I have spoken to a man who is going to make us rocking horse for our daughter. I told him I should like it to look like the horse on our flag. He would like a sketch, and I wondered if you would like to come with me to meet with him? You know more of such things than do I.

[info]queenofrohan in [info]compass_network

It was such a lovely day today, with spring coming on as it is, that I couldn't help but go outside and enjoy some of the fresh air. It's so lovely and warm! And the flowers are on the air. I picked some and have put them in a vase in the lobby for everyone to enjoy.

I'm thinking...I would like to buy some clothes more like what the other women here wear. I feel...very out of date. But something new and light for spring would be lovely.

Also...this may be a strange request, but I was curious if there were a shop here where I could find...well, they're books here, aren't they? You don't write them in scrolls like they do in Gondor?

[info]_eames in [info]compass_network

Since I have very little else to do around here

Does anyone need any help leaning English?

Est-ce que quelqu'un besoin d'aucune aide à apprendre l'anglais?

Кто-нибудь нужна помощь изучения английского языка?

Weet iemand een hulp leren van Engels nodig?


Oh, I love all of the fancy characters!

Does anyone speak or read Latin?

Quis indigeat adiuvari cognita Anglorum?

Anyway. I'm leaning Hebrew too, so if any of you Hebrews or Shebrews don't speak English, I can be on hand for that too.

[info]gregory_housemd in [info]compass_network

I want a tour of the hospital.

From a nurse...with big...(It's Wednesday - breastday)

[info]kalimac in [info]compass_network

Right, so, where am I?

[info]nelyafinwe in [info]compass_network

I saw a strange thing today. And that means something, given the nature of this island. He was but a child to my eyes and less than half my height, but with the age of a grown man behind him.

Be he neither dwarf, orc, goblin, nor dwarven Man.

But a Hobbit.

I have never seen such a thing in all my long years. What perversion Eru has allowed from Aulë's dwarves. Or aye, what a strange thing for Eru to do to Men.

How funny a thing.

[info]tuor in [info]compass_network

Itarillë | Tuor

You awake?

[info]loves_abeast in [info]compass_network

Open CB

[there's the sound of some fumbling, then]
What...[short, bitter laugh] Is this your idea of a game, Your Majesty? Do you intend to--to let me loose, just so you can hunt me down? Is it no longer fun for you to simply mock and lie to me?

I know you're listening, wherever you are. And I'm not going to play your game, so you may as well just kill me now.

[info]_faramir in [info]compass_network

I do so love the spring, although I wish I were back in Ithilien, to see it bloom without the darkness of Mordor to mar it. But I suppose I shall never see Ithilien again, or the White City sparkling in the sunrise.

I wonder if I shall ever feel at home here. It is so strange to me.