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January 8th, 2013

[info]cepaceous in [info]compass_network

Any questions surrounding the posts my former boss has so graciously put up, can be referred here.

But to answer your immediate answers, he is not assuming leadership of the island and no, this is not going to be a law: it was merely a chance to share your opinions on a rather sensitive matter. Also, anyone who wants the preemptively offered Kit-Kats and tea, please show up at the pub anytime after noon and before 2 PM.

[info]night_song in [info]compass_network

The fuck's going on?

[info]isabellane in [info]compass_network

To the cutie with the crooked smile,

Sorry for having been a little too drunk to remember your name but I wanted to thank you for making sure I got back home safely, though I ended up crashing on the couch and Tony had to carry me into my bedroom. But that's beside the point.

Thanks for being a good listener. I promise if we hang out again, we'll talk more about you than about me.

[info]reinedescoeurs in [info]compass_network

Happy Birthday, Samir!

[info]of_lyrnessus in [info]compass_network

I am sorry if my grammar is bad, but I am just learning to use Google Translate. I hope it does decent job? I do not know any English but I can type in my language and it tells me how to say it in yours.

My name is Briseis, and I have just arrived here night last. This world is very strange to me. Where I come from we have no machines like this one or even the bright lights like here has.

Is there here anyone else who is Greek like me? I come from Lyrnessus, though it is gone now, destroyed by Achilles.

[info]vincereargentum in [info]compass_network

The selection of dressing gowns on this island is shockingly lacking.

[info]living_history in [info]compass_network

Can this island get any more confusing? First it brings my twin sister from an alternate timeline six years in the future and now there are two versions of my roommate!

[info]sh_rl_ck_d in [info]compass_network

Can whoever is harassing my cow please stop.

It's winter, there's not a lot of grass. She's not happy.

Please cease your pestering. Please.