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October 2018



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Posts Tagged: 'the+good+place:+tahani+al-jamil'

Apr. 3rd, 2018




Mar. 12th, 2018



The Good Peeps

So, we're going to adventure, right? Because I have a great big axe and a crowbar and I'm ready to fork some shirt up.

Mar. 11th, 2018



Yo, this outfit is so dope. This is better than any of the other outfits.

Feb. 28th, 2018



I'd like to know how we plan to handle the communists.

Feb. 20th, 2018



I told everyone, when I got here - the day I got here! - that I didn't want to be on your Council. That I was a ridiculous choice. That I wanted off. That anyone else at all could put their name forward, and I would hand it right off to them. And what did I get? "Stay on the Council, Doctor." "You'll do fine, Bruce." "It'll build character, Calvin." So, what happens? What's my reward for stepping up and participating in this ridiculous Key-Club-Meets-the-Stanford-Prison-Experiment job I never wanted anything to do with?

Zombies. At the first second? first maybe it was the second one of the first meetings I ever went to - zombies. Rotting, murderous, highly infectious zombies. The next thing I know - the last thing I remember - I'm demanding to see a grocery store manager because the stockboy didn't have any brains. Literally. You have got to be kidding me. No wonder you don't have term limits. Nobody would run for this damn seat.

I want to go to the moon.

You're pretty tricky, you know that?



Aw man. They couldn't have taken us to Jacksonville? But okay. I guess Tampa is fine. I'm gonna see if they have some jet skis.

Added in later

YO! GUYS! THERE'S ARIANA GRANDE! AND STUPID NICK'S. THIS IS THE MOST BOMBASH PLACE EVER! Oh man. We should just stay here. I'm gonna get some wings. This is gonna be the best. I changed my mind. This place is better than fine. It's not Jacksonville, but it's got the best parts of Jacksonville.

Feb. 17th, 2018



tl;dr chidi )

Feb. 14th, 2018



I fell and twisted my ankle trying to avoid this guy that was totally trying to eat my milkshake. I was trying to get some frozen yogurt, but I couldn't find any. It was a total bummer, but then that guy tried to take it from me. Like...he tried to bite me. He also made me spill my milkshake. Not cool, guy.

Feb. 11th, 2018



Daenerys's Party


Valar Morghulis )

Feb. 10th, 2018



Do we ever get to see how many points we each contributed? Not that I need another way to prove how superior I am. My jello must have been worth at least 10 on its own, and I am the top selling Tupperware reseller in town.

These last 24 hours are crucial to the success of any dinner party, which is why I'm extending my invaluable expertise to you. If you need a second pair of eyes to look over the details to make sure nothing is missing, or any help at all, do not hesitate to ask.

Feb. 7th, 2018



Being grounded is hell. There must be something to do that isn't drinking, maker's sake.

Feb. 3rd, 2018




Do you mind if I party with you? )

Jan. 30th, 2018



[Bruce MCU]
What do we do? What will the neighbors think?



All right. I know it's Tuesday, and you've all got to get up at the crack of six tomorrow to shuffle off to your respective labor and reeducation pods like good little bees, but - hear me out.

You deserve something better tonight than gathering around your ho-hum table and making like you care what Junior's day was like while pretending to enjoy your cold-in-the-middle casserole or feigning appreciation for how hard your spouse works at their Very Important Job. Break out of your boring little nuclear hives! Mix it up! Fly free for an evening! Shake your tail over at the Rendezvous Ballroom - I'll be there, and it'll be a drag without you. Come see where it's at. Come hang with the crowd. Come be a part of something, and see how much better it feels than spending yet another hour around your godforsaken radios with your cream of mushroom families. Come dance Tuesday away, and when Wednesday shows its ugly face, dance it right out the door, too!

And when your boss complains that you're not getting anything done, these days, you can tell him – Michael says: he can shove his productivity in the orifice in which he least enjoys shoving things.

Jan. 29th, 2018



So, the Russians are winning, right? I have an idea.

BLOCK PARTY. EDIT: BLOCK THE BLOC PARTY. (Thank you for the name, Steve!) We can like, have a potluck and do red-white-and-blue bunting and play baseball and do all the really, seriously American shittuff.

Anyone in?

Food and stuff )

Jan. 21st, 2018



Has anyone seen my "husband" around? I didn't see him the other day, but now it looks like his bedroom has been emptied out.


If Jefferson doesn't turn up, I'm going to have to get a job. Not looking forward to that too much, but eh. Think you can help keep the house cleanish?



I don't know about you, but I was under the impression that the 1950s were much more bullshit than I've been seeing.

(Kids, that word's okay to say. I'm an elected official.)

[Filtered to Sam Wilson]
So. Catch any commies yet or are you waiting until someone throws them at your feet?

Jan. 20th, 2018



Well I say the best way to fight the communists is with a little bit of a celebration in consumerism. Clear your schedules and tell your friends, I'll be hosting a Tupperware Party next Tuesday at 2pm. Referrals get 10% off your order, and all orders over $10 receive a bonus quilted casserole dish carrier- available in two stunning floral designs!

Jan. 4th, 2018



Our squad needs to have a celebratory party tomorrow night on account of Mystique leaving it.

Can you help me out?

[Delta (scientist)]
I was wondering if it'd be possible to get the materials to make a pinata and maybe also different things for throwing a celebration of sorts?

Jan. 2nd, 2018



[Squads 6 and 7]
I ain't sure about the rest of ya but I'm real tired of having part of me cut off without my consent. I reckon people don't seem to realize its akin to losing your sight or a limb even when our abilities suddenly ain't there anymore. I don't gotta remind anyone how many kids died when this kinda thing happened back home.

I think we need an amendment that guarantees us our right to having them.