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October 2018



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Posts Tagged: 'marvel:+comics:+bucky+barnes'

Aug. 16th, 2018



[Bucky Barnes (616)]
Where are you right now?

Aug. 8th, 2018



If there was a scenario that you could go back to and do over, what would it be?

Aug. 5th, 2018



So we've been at this gold thing for a while. How many people have cashed in any of what they've found for those "special" currency we're supposed to be collecting? It sounds a bit like the prize tickets they give out in the Coney Island arcades if you ask me: meaning they aren't worth much.

[Lima Block]
That said, I think it's important that we, as a collective, cash in at least a portion of everything we find since we should be looking at this as a group. I plan to give it an extra push for Lima specifically if we're still doing this over the next couple days.

I don't want the block to be left behind because we failed to co-operate.
[Tony Stark (616)]
Clint is gone.

Hurts a little. Especially with the anniversary of -- you know -- coming up.

Jul. 10th, 2018



So I guess the scientists didn't send me to space.

Guess that proves they might actually be smarter than Reed Richards.

Jul. 9th, 2018



At this point I believe I would rather still be in prison rather than continuing this journey through space.

Jun. 10th, 2018



[Bodega Peeps - Bucky Barnes (616), Steve Harrington, Marie D'Ancanto]

Hey my dudes. So like... Do any of you know anything about working in a shop? I did for a while in high school- basically just long enough to figure out that most people are total assholes to the service industry. I'm not trying to boss you guys around or anything, but I think we should be organized and maybe decide on some things if it's not going to be total anarchy.

Jun. 6th, 2018



[Avengers/Affiliates: All universes. (Technically, open to all Marvel but lbr, the mutants don't want to talk to Steve]
I know some of you have already tagged in on Maria's post, but lets make this official. Let's see who is still here, and let's see what blocks we're all in.

We need to watch out for each other.

Jun. 5th, 2018



So we're all... here again, are we?

[Bucky Barnes (616)]
Thank you for your help.

I'm sorry that I wasn't a bit more agreeable.

May. 29th, 2018



[Marvel (All verses)]
I understand, at least something better, that there are many universes that all exist at same time. But could some of you from other places explain to us why you are so knowing of this fact? I am not sure it is something which I understand.

Apr. 21st, 2018



What do you think is the weirdest hill you are willing to die on?

Like. Miracle Whip is better than Mayonnaise, or Leonardo was the worst Ninja Turtle, or the fact that there is no ethical consumption under capitalism.

What's yours?

Mar. 20th, 2018



[Bucky Barnes (616)]
Bet you thought I forgot.

Mar. 13th, 2018



I'm vaguely disappointed I'm not some elven king or something, but I can't really put my finger on why.

[Tony Stark (616)]
You all right? I know you hate Lord of the Rings.
[Bucky Barnes (616), Kobik]
Kobik is with me, we're in the village. We're safe, where are you?

Mar. 10th, 2018



[AVENGERS: Sharon Carter (616), Bruce Banner (616), Bucky Barnes (616), Clint Barton (616), Natalia Romanova (616), I feel like I'm missing some Tony Stark (616)]
Mark Twain once wrote that patriotism is about always being loyal to your country. Right now, my country -- our country -- is the people here who've blown in from other universes and other timelines. They're from different places, they have different experiences and they all have different motivations. Yet we're all united by one common goal: to fix this and get out.

All of us here deserve the best protection, the best help, and the best support from each other that we're able to provide. I don't think that happened in the last scenario. I don't think that happened during the attack on all of us, and I think that means we all need to do better.

As some of you are already aware, Sharon is trying to implement training programs, she's trying to prepare people as best as we can, and she's going to attempt to build a list of defensive protocols that we can adapt and put into play for future scenarios. We're going to help with that and we're going to also design our own. I need to know what everyone here things our worse case scenarios might be, and we need to decide what we're going to do in them. I want working crisis response plans on the books. I want us to pull in specific other "refugees" for these plans when necessary. I want to use the talents we have here to keep people safe instead of waiting for Amendments to stop Scientists or end scenarios. Before the 'Games' I thought perhaps the best way to move forward was through a form of passive resistance, but I don't anymore. Now we fight back, and if we can't fight them then we fight what they throw at us.

I believe in the Council system that we have in place. I believe in the amendments we passed, the efforts we've made and the work that we've done as a group. And I trust in the decisions that the Council and the new coordinator will make for us.

But that doesn't mean we shouldn't have a contingency plan. Mark Twain also said that patriotism is about being loyal to your government, when it deserves it. So, this time, moving forward, regardless of what the council decides, we're our first line of defense.

[FILTER: Bucky Barnes (MCU), Bucky Barnes (AA)]
Happy Birthday. I got you both something.

Feb. 20th, 2018



I told everyone, when I got here - the day I got here! - that I didn't want to be on your Council. That I was a ridiculous choice. That I wanted off. That anyone else at all could put their name forward, and I would hand it right off to them. And what did I get? "Stay on the Council, Doctor." "You'll do fine, Bruce." "It'll build character, Calvin." So, what happens? What's my reward for stepping up and participating in this ridiculous Key-Club-Meets-the-Stanford-Prison-Experiment job I never wanted anything to do with?

Zombies. At the first second? first maybe it was the second one of the first meetings I ever went to - zombies. Rotting, murderous, highly infectious zombies. The next thing I know - the last thing I remember - I'm demanding to see a grocery store manager because the stockboy didn't have any brains. Literally. You have got to be kidding me. No wonder you don't have term limits. Nobody would run for this damn seat.

I want to go to the moon.

You're pretty tricky, you know that?

Feb. 12th, 2018



Has anyone seen Steve? He didn't come home and I don't trust Clint with breakfast. He's gonna burn down our house.

Did he disappear to

Feb. 11th, 2018






All Men Must Die )



[Bucky Barnes (616)]
Go to the dinner without me? I need to check something at the lab. I'll be there, but I might be a bit late.

[Amadeus Cho]
I think I found something. You are not going to believe this.

Feb. 7th, 2018



[Bucky Barnes (616)]
I'm going to be at the office late tonight, I'm looking into something with Howard Stark. Could you please take care of dinner

[(later) Sam Wilson (MCU)]
I got some news about those tests.

Feb. 4th, 2018



[Filtered to Steve Rogers (616)]
I heard you talked to Kobik.

Thank you. I know that must have been hard for you.



[Bucky 616]
Dear Bucky,
I'm sorry I'm a stupid bad communist. I'm not really a real communist. I picked the team because I thought it was a pretend game and because I wanted to meet the Cosmo. I didn't think your feelings or that it wasn't a game to you, I didn't think it would hurt you bad. I thought you could catch me like hide and seeks and it would be funny and then we could go play on the swings.

I know I did a mean thing to Mr. America. And then to Ms. Natasha and little Tony too. Now I did the mean thing to you and I'm the most sorriest. I'm really trying to be better and be good like you and Bruce teach me. I know there were bad Russia people that hurt you and now I'm like them too. But if I met the real bad Russias I would kick them in the knees. I don't want you scared and sad that I would really pick them over you.

I saved a cupcake for you. I love you very much.

[Bruce 616]
I did another bad thing and... I'm scared.