Incomplete Data: A panfandom, multi-world RP.

Incomplete Data

October 2018



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July 12th, 2017



Who: Kylo Ren and Bail Organa.
What: Reading, talking. Bonding?
Where: The library.
When: Mid-morning
Warnings: None.

What book have you chosen for me? )



I am Lady Sif of Asgard. Is it true we cannot leave? I do not appreciate being held captive.



This isn't —

I need shows. My shows.

Not like this.




Lieutenant Phasma floated the idea of a fight club and since all I've really been doing is reading, laying around in bed, and working out here and there, taking advantage of being under full gravity for the first time in ages, I figured I'd put out an all-call to see if anyone's interested.

Since we've got a variety of abilities here, we're going to need divisions and classes.

  • Super-Powered Heavyweight - for those with multiple abilities, energy projection skills, and regenerative healing (or a complete lack for their personal safety). Signed up: Ren, Hope

  • Super-Powered Lightweight - for those with one or two abilities and no healing powers. Signed up: Rogue, Melissa

  • Normal Heavyweight - for those without abilities but training in hand-to-hand combat. Signed up: Melissa, Johanna, Holden

  • Normal Lightweight - for those without abilities and little to no training but who just want to blow off some steam. Signed up: Jo

  • Referees - Pietro, Clark

If you're interested, please let me know which division you'd like to fight in. And while Phasma is adept at training recruits and can break up physical fights, I'm also going to need someone with the capability of breaking up powered fights if they go too far. Perhaps a telepath or a very strong telekinetic?

And, of course, if you think it's a stupid idea, feel free to let me know that as well. But I figured we all could use something to stave off the boredom.



[Wanda Maximoff (616)]
Settling in okay?