Incomplete Data: A panfandom, multi-world RP.

Incomplete Data

October 2018



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July 13th, 2017



I've taken one of these one bedrooms. You're staying with me. I've got the living room, you take the bedroom.

And if anyone's got anything to bloody say about it, they can talk to my psychic knives.



[Bucky Barnes (616)]
I just designed a band logo for the other you.
[Bucky Barnes (AA)]
Is this dangerous, deep and poetic?



Not a lot of people my age around here.

That's okay, most of my friends are thousands of years old.

How is everyone? :D


Steve says you're making things difficult.

Also, are you my father or not?



Moonshine and whiskey don't taste good. Why are people always obsessed with drinking them?

[Nathan Summers]
Want some candy?

We're out of bread.



[Bruce Banner (MCU)]
How are you feeling?



It's astonishing to me. Absolutely astonishing to me, that people who've lived any less than a hundred years can ever murmur about boredom. Our minds are endless. The books in this place are endless, there is a mountain outside our gates that is beyond the realm of our own understanding and we are creatures held captive for reasons and aims and goals and desires that we know nothing about.

How can some many people fear death, and let their tiny minds wish for immortality yet they haven't sorted out what to do with themselves when you aren't being given something specific to do. It's worse than watching lazy beggars shuffle along breadlines. Think. Do. Discuss.

Or protest with your body and your heart, but why complain about a moment of respite?



In case anyone is looking for a light summer read, I just finished The Origins of Totalitarianism, so that should be free again.

If I'm honest, I really didn't like any of the characters.