
Posts Tagged: 'clint+barton+%28hawkeye%29'

Aug. 26th, 2014




Who: Elaine Mallory & Clint Barton
When: August 15th, late night
Where: Elaine’s apartment
What: Ice cream delivery
Rating: R [Triggers including: War, Combat, Capture, Torture]
Status: Complete

They've done studies, you know, about what makes us go back. It's a high. But more than that, it's a place. It’s a way of belonging. When you've done it long enough...civilian life starts to feel foreign. Chaotic. Too many variables. Too many options. Thirty-one fucking flavors. )

Aug. 17th, 2014




Who: Elaine Mallory & Clint Barton
When: August 12th
Where: Cafe
What: Talking
Rating: R [Triggers including: War, Combat, Capture, Torture]
Status: Complete

She wasn't sure she could trust anyone anymore. )

Aug. 13th, 2014




Who: Clint and Sharon
When: Around August 10
Where: Dog Beach in Huntington Beach
What: Taking the dogs out for a run
Rating/Warning: Low/None
Status: Complete

I swore to myself I wasn’t going to be That Guy. )

Jun. 21st, 2013



"It's always the ceremonial position"

Who: Sebastian and Clint
When: Sometime this week
What: Two archers meet and geek and need to tag their archery porn. And a PG-13 related joke if you're being immature.
Where: An archery range
I just can't get as much grip on wood )

Jun. 3rd, 2013



Ready? We should get going before the Masters of Evil attack.

Who: Thor, Natasha, Clint, and Clarice
Where: A chapel in Vegas
What: Thor and Natasha elope
When: Tonight, 06/03
Warnings/Rating: PG
Status complete

Don’t you dare curse us. )

Mar. 29th, 2013




WHO: Open Log of Tony Stark's Bachleor Party.
WHEN: Late Friday Night.
WHERE: Disneyland.
WHAT: Whatever he feels like, because I lost control of Mr. Stark roughly around April of last year and never got it back.
WARNINGS: Open thread, no idea what there might be?

The Happiest Place On Earth. )

Mar. 27th, 2013




Who: Clintowyn (and Laika!)
What: Wedding Planning
Where: A Bakery
When: Wednesday
Warnings/Rating: None so far. Will update

Read more... )

Mar. 17th, 2013



St. Paddy's Green Beer Fest! OPEN TO ALL

Who: Clint, Ollie, and YOU
Where: "The Pub". Could be the pub some of you are at or going to or whatever or a different one. If you want in, hop in!
What: Well, it's St Pat's. Sooo...
When: March 17th, Bitches
Warnings: I'll update but uh right now, drinking, probably inappropriate songs, etc.
and it's no nay never )

Mar. 7th, 2013



Who: Judy, Ollie and Clint Barton
What: Meeting the best friend - and some hijinks
When: This past weekend
Where: The SCA meeting
Warnings: PG - Language, a little romance, and Ollie being Ollie.
Status: Complete

Maybe it was a good thing Roy had elected not to show up )

Jan. 31st, 2013



Starring Sar's Characters!

Let's see how this works for getting threads generated hmm?

Who: All of Sar's characters except Roy, because I'm not sure if he's back from The Bay yet, lol, and YOU.

Where: Various Locations in the OC

When: The week of January 27th

What: Lots of my characters up for grabs! You know you want to do this!

Dec. 26th, 2012




Who: Clintowyn
When: Christmas Eve, just around Midnight
Where: Their Place
What: Clint's Christmas Wish!
Status: In Progress

What were the odds he wasn't going to get his girlfriend hit in the nose by a flying ring? )

Oct. 31st, 2012



Who: Oliver Queen, Graham, and possible cameos from Roy Harper/Clint Barton.
When: Halloween! Around 8pm.
Where: An "English" themed tavern/chain with a costume contest.
What: The fake Sheriff of Nottingham meets the fake Sheriff of Storybrooke to discuss the fate of Robin Hood. (Also known as 'Graham tries to do damage control so that no one winds up shooting anyone else and/or going to jail.' Good luck with that, Graham.)
Rating: PG-13 for potential violence. Will update as the log evolves.

He'd chosen the chain bar because it would play to the whole 'Nottingham' thing, and because it had a costume contest going. If Oliver showed up in something outlandish, who would care? )

Oct. 22nd, 2012



It's just blood. It always washes out.

Who: Natasha and Clint
What: Flashback to turning Tasha to SHIELD
When: Several years ago, in another place
Where: Somewhere in Europe
Status: Complete
Rating: PG-13

The blood never washes out. )

Oct. 3rd, 2012



Cats are smart and crafty and probably can outsmart all humans put together.

Who: clint and Cameron
what: Random encounter outside a pet store
Where: outside a pet store
When: Tuesday
Rating: Pg for our kitty overlords
status: complete!

Can they? )

Sep. 13th, 2012



But before all this...what HAS been going on with you?

Who: Clint and Natasha
What: A post-rescue conversation and deflections
When: Last week after Tasha and Sansa were rescued
Where: apparently a transport
Status: Complete
Rating: PG-13

How are you and Eowyn? )

Aug. 1st, 2012



"I wonder which of us is the reason we divorced."

Who: Oliver and Clint
When: Tuesday Afternoon
Where: Irvine General
What: Roy's at his first PT session. Clint takes advantage of the situation to have a little "talk" with Oliver, and to convince him to go back to London. Now. Also, Oliver tells the truth about why Roy left home in the first place, they try to work out which parent is which, and Ollie gets punched hard enough he pukes. Oh yeah.
Rating: PG13 for Language.
Possible Triggers: Drugs, Amputee stuff, Some well deserved violence
don't make me send your girlfriend strippers for you, all right? )

Jul. 23rd, 2012




Who: Clintowyn
Where: St. Joe's
When: Post Earthquakes on Sunday
What: Clint finds Eowyn and stuff.
Read more... )

Jul. 20th, 2012




Who: Wrex, Alma, Roy, Elena, etc. OPEN TO: Anyone coming to help, first responders
What: After-earthquake wreckage search. Damage control, Crisis response. Kids are missing, especially Roy.
When: After the earthquake hit and various posts/texts/phonecalls have been made.
Where: What's left of Urdnot Ranch
Ratings/Warnings: PG-13, triggers for fire, people trapped in buildings, burns, etc.
Status: Complete!

Kids were trapped. He was going to make damn sure they were okay. )

Jul. 6th, 2012



Who: Kevin Entwhistle and Clint Barton (Still OPEN to someone who knows about flowers that can help them)
What: Flower shopping
When: Friday afternoon around 1:00
Where: Flower shop in Huntington Beach
Rating: Depends on who shows up
Status: In progress

It might help if Kevin even knew what an orchid looked like. )

Jun. 11th, 2012



I was more thinking, you know...

Who: Neena Thurman/Domino, Clint Barton/Hawkeye
What: As promised, Clint stops by Dom's shop. Also, she's sooo hungover.
When: Backdated to Saturday afternoon, after that Pete/Dom waking up log
Where: Lucky Shot Guns
Ratings/Warnings: PG-13 ish, language and weaponry/implied violence?
Status: Complete!

'Come with me in my van, little girl', except in a gun shop, by a very hungover shop owner )

Jun. 9th, 2012




WHO: Tony Stark, Steve Rogers, Bruce Banner, Thor Odinson, Natasha Romanoff, Clint Barton, Peggy Carter, Pepper Potts, Maria Hill, Nick Fury & Phil Coulson.
WHAT: Steve learns a valuable lesson about Audience Participation at the Rocky Horror Picture Show, and that he shouldn't trust Tony. Ever.
WHERE: Art Theatre, Long Beach.
WHEN: Future dated to Sunday night.
WARNINGS: Cross dressing, TTW (Typical Tony Warnings of Alcohol and Swearing), arrests, drag queens fighting, this log has everything! Well, except sex. In theory.

I'm just a sweet transvestite... )


WHO: Clint & Eowyn (They need a couple name, dammit)
WHAT: Talk of Dreams and morning snuggles.
WHEN: Saturday morning.
WHERE: Clint's Place
WARNINGS: Snuggle time after sexy time, so implied nudity. Also talk of violence in their respective dreams.

I do not think that will be your fate. )

Jun. 8th, 2012



A "Practice Session"

Who: Roy, Clint, Open to others at the ranch
Where: Urdnot Ranch
When: Same day as all the other logs so far! Right after the last log with Roy and Alma
What: An impromptu "practice" with unhappy Clint.
Rating: Let's Find Out!

Roy glared up, through his sweaty bangs, at Clint as he knocked off several push-ups for his completely unsmiling and unsympathetic coach. "Fuck.You.Barton." He bit off as he rose and fell again. "You wanted to undermine me completely? Awesome. You succeeded." It wasn't so much that his arms hurt here either. He'd gotten to a point where he could work through that. It was the rest of this, the indignity of being ordered outside of the main building with his bow, expecting practice, and then having it snatched away and told to "knock it down" right there where anyone could see him. Especially when he hadn't said or done anything wrong as far as Clint was concerned.

When he got through this? He was going to shoot him, non lethally, but enough to humiliate him, he decided, and let that fuel him through another set.



"I think you are digging a deeper hole for yourself."

Who: Alma, Roy, Clint towards the end.
Where: Urdnot Ranch
When: After Roy talked with Wrex and after his post and comment war with Clint
What: Alma tries to help Roy out, They talk about their dreams and what it means, and then Clint gets a nasty little shock.

he's not really an angry neutered turtle )

May. 29th, 2012



"What sort of porn, Barton?"

Who: Natasha and Clint
what: A visit at the hospital
when: Sunday night
where: hospital
status: complete
rating: PG-13 for fake stripping and porn talk

Shockingly vanilla porn for the most part. )

May. 28th, 2012




Who: The Avengers (Tony Stark, Steve Rogers, Bruce Banner, Thor Odinson, Natasha Romanoff, Clint Barton, Pepper Potts, Bucky, Loki, Sif and possible the FBI trio. (Yes, this will be madness. Or Sparta.)
What: Memorial Day Assembling.
When: Tonight.
Where: Tony's hospital Room at Irvine General.
Rating: Remarkably family friendly!
Status: Complete!

Okay, so it's not shawarma... )

May. 24th, 2012



Who: Eowyn & Clint
What: Regained Memory and perhaps other things (IF YOU KNOW WHAT I MEAN)
When: Tonight
Where: Clint's place.
Rating: TBD
Status: In Progress

What the actual hell is an oliphant? )

May. 12th, 2012



WHO: Clint & Eowyn
WHAT: Reconciliation?
WHERE: Eowyn's Apartment
STATUS: Closed, in Progress

I do not think that would be your fate. )

May. 10th, 2012



"Are you crazy? Breaking and entering?"

Who: Natasha and Clint
What: Clint buries himself deeper. By sneaking into Tasha's window. At night. At least his face isn't visible?
When: Last night
Where: Tasha's place
Rating: PG-13
Status: Complete

It...seemed like a really really good idea at the time. )

May. 8th, 2012



"I trade cars like shoes, Clint."

Who: Natasha and Clint
What: Discussion over crepes and relationship advice!
When: Today
Where: Black Widow set and then a crepe shop. Because that's how Hawkeye rolls.
Status: Complete!
Rating: PG-13 for Natasha in a catsuit

And here I thought women and shoes were in some long term love affair. )



An incident at Talon Ridge

Who: Ollie, Roy, and Clint
Where: Talon Ridge
When:After Karaoke night
What A reunion that doesn’t go so well.
Rating: PG-13 for lots of F Bombs.
This is MY turf, Queen! )

May. 6th, 2012



WHO: Eowyn & Clint
WHAT: A Complete Misunderstanding
WHERE: A small, out of the way, terribly romantic Greek restaurant.
STATUS: In progress; closed.

As soon go kindle fire with snow, as seek to quench the fire of love with words. )

May. 4th, 2012




Who: Anyone showing up at Paramnesia – Mass Party Thread
What: Karaoke night!
When: Thursday, May 3rd, 2012
Where: Paramnesia
Rating: Drunken Karaoke Chaos; Use Your Best Judgment
Status: Open To All Comers As Long As You Want, Guys

There's someone at the door, checking IDs, and someone just inside, collecting the $5 cover charge.

There are a couple of bartenders on duty, too, to keep things lubricated, as it were.

And on the stage, in the place of pride-of-glory, is the Karaoke Mastertron System 5000-Delta.

Who's up first?

Apr. 23rd, 2012



Who: Graham, Roy Harper, and OPEN. Come oooooon down!
When: Monday night.
Where: A pub. Somewhere. Graham really did throw darts at a map.
What: Carousing. Throwing sharp objects at a small circular board. Humor. Who knows!
Rating: ...no idea. Maybe PG-13 for language?
Status: In progress.

It was quiet, probably because it was Monday. He really needed some better timing. )

Apr. 19th, 2012




Who: Clint and Eowyn
When: Current
Where: A Park
What: Beer and hanging out!

Read more... )

Apr. 10th, 2012



"This Queen bullshit; it's beneath you."

Who: Barton and Roy
When: This Afternoon
Where: A cleared of portion of Barton's range
What: RP Masturbation! Nah, this is the audition scene, and it looked like it would fit here as a log so I'm sharing. Barton and Roy have a practice and we see some of the guy's crazy coaching methods.

You're not impressing ME right now. )