
November 13th, 2020




Who: Dick Grayson, Jemma Simmons and Raven, plus NPC!Prison Guards/Doctor
What: Shady things getting interrupted
When: [Backdated] 12 November 2020
Where: Prison
Warnings: Prison medical abuse
Status: Log | Complete

Oh believe me, the number of violations I see are more than ample reason to ‘criticize’ as you call it. )




Who: Kate and Raven
What: Showing up in Halloweentown
When: During the Halloween Plot
Where: Halloweentown
Warnings: Low
Status: Log | Complete

You have got to be kidding me... Well played, Orange County. Well played. )




Who: Raven. References to NPC!Mafia types
What: Influencing confessions via the Deadly Sins
When: 13 November 2020, night
Where: Somewhere in Los Angeles
Warnings: Low
Status: Narrative | Complete

Here's a little snippet of advice/Men are fools/Oh, men are frail/Give them the rope and they'll hang themselves )




Who: Finn, Rey and Poe
Where: Outside
What: During the Darkseid plot
When: August 14th
Status: Complete

It was a pain she couldn't quite describe except it felt like her mind was being twisted around a spindle and then forced through a very tiny hole. And when she regained herself again, her actions were not her own. )




Who: Poe Dameron, Finn and Rey
When: Backdated: Early September
Where: Kings Canyon National Park
What: The Trio and BB8 Go Camping
Rating/Warnings: Family Friendly
Status: Complete

And I think I can start a fire thank you very much. I brought a lighter! )