
December 13th, 2017




Who: Finn and Freya
What: Drinks after trying weeks/dreams
When: 11 November 2017, evening
Where: The Double Tap
Warnings: References to dying
Status: Log | Complete

Actually? Just leave the bottle. )




Who: Barry and Iris, plus NPC!Joe
What: Reconnecting
When: Early November, Barry’s first day at OCSD
Where: Orange County Sheriff Department
Warnings: Low
Status: Log | Complete

I did tell you I’d always find you even if we got separated. )




Who: Neena & Rose
What: Chips and Coffee
When: Backdated to November sometime
Where: The Inferno
Rating: Low
Status: Complete!

A new friend and a new job )




Who: Ren and Nora
What: Preparing Thanksgiving dinner
Where: Their place
When: Thanksgiving!
Ratings/Warnings: Low/None
Status: Complete

Success! I bringeth nourishment! )