
November 19th, 2017



Beautiful day huh? Good to get the time in before it starts to get cold!

Who: Luthien and Rose Tyler, ft. Huan and the kids
Where: The beach
When: Early October
What: Random encounters and huge dogs
Status: Complete
Rating: PG

It is. And I wanted to give my wife a break so she can focus on her own work. )




Who: Armand and Marguerite
What: Armand surprises Marguerite with news. Marguerite has some surprising information for him as well
When: 7 October 2017
Where: Theatre The Scarlet Pimpernel will be at to a park
Warnings: Low
Status: Log | Complete

No, not you. The real Armand. As in my brother )




Who: Ozma and Elsa
What: Random meeting leads to a fun afternoon thanks to temples
When: During the Procreation Temple
Where: Out and about and then Ozma's apartment
Rating: Medium/High

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