
September 4th, 2017




Who: Klaus and Hazel
What: Klaus needs saving. Hazel to the rescue.
When: During the Diablo plot
Where: Streets of Orange County to Elijah's
Rating/Warning: Fairly low. Violence against demons.
Status: Complete

You know those dreams? Daughter of Pluto. I’d explain more, but probably you should get on before something tries to kill you. )




Who: Freya and Klaus
What: Dreams discussions, drinks and decisions
When: 28 August, happy hour
Where: Random bar
Warnings: Low
Status: Log | Complete

If it helps, Esther wasn’t the best mother anyway. )



Must be nice to visit again, ain’t it

Who: Logan and Rogue
What: They end up at a cabin in the south, there's hunting, and other things.
When: Mid-august
where: an old cabin
Rating: PG-13 with a swerve to R at the end

Something like that yes )




Who: Clara and Jim
What: Being reckless and swimming with sharks
When: 3 September
Where: The ocean
Warnings: Low
Status: Log | Complete

Whatever you do, don’t look like a seal. )




Who: Harley and Blake
What: Therapy session
When: Early Sept
Where: Harley's practice
Rating: PG-13. Discussion of past abuse and general Scientology fuckery and coping mechanisms, Trigger warnings about sexual assault related to above discussions

what if I can’t be more like my dream self? )




Who: Jeremy Gilbert and Myrcella Baratheon
When: Backdated: Mid August
Where: Their house
What: Hanging out and talking
Rating/Warnings: Family Friendly.
Status: Complete

Jeremy was sitting on the back deck, throwing one of Dragon’s toys out towards the beach for the dog to retrieve )




Who: Esmeralda and Kitty
What: Apologies and making amends
When: 4 September 2017, afternoon
Where: Cafe near the Court of Miracles
Warnings: Low
Status: Log | Complete

So... I'm just going to.. I'm sorry. For the things I said. For pressuring you. For getting you hurt. Mostly for getting you hurt. And the words. Everything. )




Who: Marguerite and Qrow
What: Dealing with the undead at the theatre
When: [Backdated] 19 August 2017, matinee performance
Where: Theater Bandstand is playing
Warnings: Low - violence against the risen dead
Status: Log | Complete

So what's the plan? )