
August 23rd, 2017




Who: Marguerite and Percy
What: Percy gets an interesting dream gift, Marguerite finds it first
When: Last week before the Diablo plot
Where: Their apartment
Warnings: Low
Status: Log | Complete

You would be excited. )


Who: Zatanna & John Constantine
What: Meeting the fam
When: Backdated before Paris, after the private ceremony
Where: London
Warnings: Family schmoop
Status: Complete

John was all too eager to get me a cheeseburger instead of what he calls rabbit food. )




Who: Alecto & Gourry
What: Fighting zombies
When: During the Diablo plot
Where: The general OC
Warnings: Some suggestion and Alecto's mouth
Status: Complete

Your cat probably hates me by now. We may never actually be friends )