
August 22nd, 2017




Who: Finn Mikaelson and Freya Mikaelson
What: Reunion of siblings round who knows
When: When Finn first gets back to town (18 August 2017)
Where: Coffee shop
Warnings: Low
Status: Log | Complete

Finn hadn’t actually had any plans to move back to Orange County )




Who: Zatanna & Lina (plus Amelia)
What: Having tea and shopping turns into eavesdropping on some shady people who know too much about a certain dark lord
When: Today
Where: The Broom Closet
Rating/Warnings: Pretty low!
Status: Complete

Considering anything that bled over for them involved magic, why not get paid to make sure it doesn’t get too nuts around here with it? )




Who: Margo Hanson and Eliot Waugh
What: Knocking some sense into him
When: Recently (pre zombie invasion)
Where: Their apartment
Warnings: Eliot’s going to be drinking so...
Status: Complete when posted

“...” )