
June 11th, 2017




Who: Blake and Ruby
What: First meetings
When: Mid May - Before Ruby shows up on the network
Where: Where Blake works after she finishes her shift
Warnings: Low
Status: Log | Complete

If anything came of today at least we got to meet! )




Who: Zatanna & Constantine
What: A brief assessment of mana, talking about baby names, and John also happens to summon a ring
When: Backdated to Thursday
Where: Their house
Rating/Warnings: Just feels! That is all!
Status: Complete

Something right, for a change. )




Who: Merlin and Audrey
Where: Their place
When: Mid June
What: Date Night!
Rating/Warnings: Low/None
Status: Complete

I’m so glad we started up date night again )




Who: Tessa, Irisa and Capable
What: Practice run for puppets
Where: Tessa’s place
When: Early June
Rating: Low
Status: Complete

Some of these fabrics are so beautiful )




Who: Xena and Callisto
What: DNA test results are in! Callisto discovers her sister is actually alive.
When: Day after the singing plot ended
Where: Their condo
Warning: Pretty low, though there are feels

That realization could only have one reaction. And it was one that no one could have predicted because Callisto had never done this before in the time that Xena had known her. Callisto started crying. )




Who: Rey and Finn
When: May the 6th (Revenge of the 6th)
Where: The streets of the OC, where all the crazy is.
What: Star Wars shenanigans!
Rating/Warning: Low
Status: Complete

Great. My girlfriend is gonna get herself killed climbing an AT-AT in a snowstorm. On Hoth. Or whatever this is. )
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