
June 1st, 2017



They got me! I’m a goner!

Who: Yang and Evie
What: Drinking and laser tag
when: Late May
Where: A club and then a laser tag place
Status: Complete
Rating: PG for most of it and then very high at the end

You shall be avenged! )




Who: Team Victor Hugo
What: Checking in on Grantaire. Much singing
When: June 1st
Where: Grantaire’s
Warnings: Low
Status: Log | Complete

Singing for the lonely, you’re not the only one who feels this )




Who: Joe and Tink (and “Jill” the NPC)
What: Tink meets one of Joe’s “dates” as the girl is sneaking out
When: Late May
Where: The Hardy’s house
Rating/Warnings Low/None
Status: Complete

That girl… uh… That girl that just left? She said she had a good time. )




Who: Virgil and Tink
When: March 15th
Where: Tink’s shop
What: Stuffing their pi holes
Rating/Warnings: Low/None
Status: Complete when posted

Take me to your flaky overlord. )



I’ll have to crawl under a rock later

Who: Esmeralda, Kitty, NPC!Members of the Court
What: Musical shenanigans
When: During musical plot
Where: Court of Miracles
Warnings: Low
Status: Log | Complete

Well, it would have to be a really nice rock. Two bedrooms, a nice view, maybe some big windows to look out of. )




Who: Anna and Katou
When: While Wash was in the coma
Where: Wash’s hospital room
What: Chatting around midnight
Rating/Warnings: Low/None (visiting Wash in his coma in the hospital)
Status: Complete

Katou wasn’t okay with Wash not waking up. )




Who: Wash, Anna and Katou
When: After Wash wakes from his coma
Where: Wash’s place
What: Chatting
Rating/Warnings: Low/None
Status: Complete

What makes you think we only have sex in her bedroom? )



how’s business

Who: Shepard and Aria
What: Checking up on friends
When: Late May
where: Afterlife
status: complete
Rating: PG-13
Afterlife is still new, but there’s plenty of buzz about it. )




Who: Marguerite and Laura
What: Musical plot!
When: First week of June
Where: Local cafe
Warnings: Low
Status: Log | Complete

It looks like we’re living in a musical. Someone earlier was singing about needing more tea. It was quite amusing. )




Who: Asami Sato and Lena Luthor
When: Tuesday, 5/23, afternoon
Where: Future Industries, then Seabirds Kitchen in Costa Mesa
What: Two potential friends eat some kale.
Warnings: Dorkiness
Status: Complete

I have friends, I definitely have friends! )




Who: Audrey and Izzy
When: Early May
Where: Baxter Bakery (BB2)
What: Talking about hiring new staff for the summer
Rating/Warnings: Low/None
Status: Complete

It was a joy to come to the second Bakery. )




Who: Freelancer Siblings
What: Carolina receives orders to report for recommission
When: Backdated to early May before the May the Fourth plot
Where: The siblings' apartment
Rating/Warnings Low
Status: Complete!

Mandatory Side Quest )




Who: Kanan and York
When: Mid May
Where: Chateau Katou
What: Kanan is adjusting to life without sight
Rating/Warnings: Lowish
Status: Complete when posted!

Don't quit your day job )




Who: Agent Washington
What: A Setback
When: Last week of May
Where: Local Bar
Rating/Warnings Lowish; Obsessive thoughts; drinking
Status: Complete Narrative

No one has to know )




Who: Penny and Vanessa
What: Meetings
When: Backdated to Penny's arrival
Where: Cafe
Rating/Warnings: Medium/Penny thinks he's whoring himself out for a room
Status: Complete

oh he liked this girl )




Who: Percy Jackson and Hazel Levesque
What: Cousin bonding over pancakes
When: Backdated: Mid May
Where: IHop
Rating/Warnings: Family Friendly
Status: Complete!

I myself, have this thing for blue foods, so my mom would make blueberry pancakes every Sunday morning when I was a kid )