
May 31st, 2017




Who: Henry and Kenzi
What: A ghost interrupts what should be an evening of drinks and talking
When: Recently
Where: Local bar
Rating/Warnings Lowish mostly
Status: Complete!

Henry was trying not to stare )




Who: Justin Taylor and Margrave Royston
When: Backdated: Mid May
Where: A Beach
What: Justin surfs and there is talking
Rating/Warnings: Family Friendly
Status: Complete

That or we’ll be the characters of some truly concerning fanfiction )




Who: Morrigan
What: Morrigan is trying not to worry while worrying.
When: This evening
Where: Her lab
Warnings: Low, though there's talk of using dragon's blood as a cure

What tis the good of you living for centuries, Old Woman, and not having anything even remotely helpful in this dusty old book? )




Who: Presto and Vanessa Cleveland
What: Breakfast and friends catching up
When: Early to mid-May
Where: A little cafe
Ratings: None really

We should do this more often )