
October 4th, 2016




Who: Murphy and Caroline
What: Dream talk
When: A week or two after the grounder sickness
Where: Baxter's Bakery
Rating/Warning: Talk about dream murder
Status: Complete

I’m the bad guy. In mine. I killed two people. )




Who: The Warden, the Witch and the Bard (aka Maia, Morrigan and Leliana)
What: Tea time discussions of happy things like the Blight, darkspawn and red lyrium.
When: Recently!
Where: A tea house and eatery
Warnings: Fairly tame, though darkspawn, Blights and red lyrium aren't that nice

A Blight was not something they needed to deal with. )




Who: Riza and Ed
When: September
Where: Their home
What: Late night musings
Rating/Warnings: Low/None
Status: Complete

Riza had woken up suddenly though she wasn’t sure why )