
May 22nd, 2016




Who: Gabe (Groot) and Nina
When: May 21st (Evening)
Where: Nina’s Place
What: Implied sexy times = sleepy times = forgetting to lock up the werewolf!
Rating/Warnings: Medium for swearing, brief mentions of nudity and inferred sexy times.
Status: Complete.

Babe when did we get a dog? )



Charles started it, and Helena merely finished it

Who: Harley and Helena and Helena's family
what: meeting the inlaws and surprising Helena's daughter
where: London
When: Recently?
status: complete
It’s a good time! Party happy family time! )




Who: Lara and Bo
What: A cabin in the woods and courtship spoons
When: Mid-may
Where: A cabin in the woods
Status: complete
Rating: PG-mostly (some brief mentions of dismemberment and assault)

It’s a… courtship spoon. )



I can pay my own way, you know.

Who: Finn and Rey
When: Sometime in April
Where: A place with food!
What: Finn and Rey’s first date - or so Finn thinks anyway!
Thought it’d be the nice thing to do. Y’know, gentlemanly.' )




Who: Paroline (Peeta and Caroline)
What: Peeta tries teaching Caroline how to bake
Where: Their apartment
When: Last week
Rating: Fairly low
Status: Complete!

You have a little flour on your face too. )




Who: Tyler and Pam
What: Tyler misses work; Pam's not impressed.
When: About mid-May
Where: Victrola's
Rating/Warning: Low/None
Status: Complete

Now, I might be a bit older than you, but you damn kids and your new fangled technology. You do have a cell phone, correct? )




Who: Princesses Cinderella & Zelda
What: Cindy has a favor to ask on behalf of her almost-alien husband
When: Today
Where: Zelda & Midna's
Rating/Warnings: Pretty tame
Status: Complete!

Us princesses stick together, though - you and I will just have the insanely attractive tall and blue significant others. )




Who: Abigail Hobbs and Jamie Moriarty
What: Job interview
When: 1:45 pm.
Ratings/Warnings: Low/Probably none, will update if needed.
Status: Closed, ongoing.

......... )