
February 22nd, 2016




Who: Leia Organa, NPC!Bail
What: Leia dreams of the destruction of Alderaan and then is attacked by jabberjays
When: 22 February 2016, early morning hours
Where: Organa home
Warnings: References to torture and lots of survivor’s guilt
Status: Narrative | Complete

A deep feeling of guilt settled in the pit of her stomach, lodging there, one which would never leave. )




Who: Wash and Peeta
When: Today
Where: Abandoned shopping district
What: Fun with Jabberjays!
Rating/Warnings: Blood and violence - some adult language too
Status: Complete!

You guys never said the games took place in a Hitchcock movie )




Who: King Alistair of Ferelden and Hawke, the shit-stirrer of Kirkwall
What: Alistair pops in for drinks and tits, accidentally
When: Not long ago
Where: The Rear End
Rating/Warnings: Low, mostly
Status: Complete!

Well, no one ever said I was the most responsible king. )




Who: Pete & Lina
What: Naming their spawn and feeling movement
When: Yesterday evening
Where: The New Fireproof Wisdom-Inverse Home
Rating/Warnings: Language with loads of cute
Status: Complete!

We’ll give you your aunt’s name as a middle name, Amelia, and she’s only slightly mad. )




Who: Audrey and Merlin
When: Feb 12
Where: Their place
What: Pregnancy test
Rating/Warnings: Low/None
Status: Complete

Merlin had originally been worried that he wouldn’t get to spend as much time with Ben )




Who: James Potter and Remus Lupin
What: Hanging out and talking about stuff
Where: James and Sirius' apartment
When: Backdated: Early January
Rating: Family Friendly
Status: Complete

James Potter, I’m hurt you’d suggest that, and if I weren’t such a good friend I’d deduct more points from you )




Who: Athos and D’Artagnan
When: Early February
Where: Their home
What: Talking about a recent new arrival
Rating/Warnings: Low/None
Status: Complete

Athos had seen the post by Milady and chosen to ignore it )




Who: Maia and Kanan
What: Drinks and a booty call
When: During the silent hill plot
Where: Kanan's hotel
Status: complete
Rating: very high

Are you trying to give me liver poisoning? )




Who: Logan and Carol Danvers
What: Like father like daughter, Logan has an unfortunate meeting with poison fog
When: During the HG plot
Where: Somewhere out thre
Status: complete
Rating: Pg-13 for logan melting and spending a few minutes on the other side

Somethin' is smelling off )




Who: Natasha and Clint
What: Jabberjays get to Nat
When: Jabberjay day
Where: Somewhere also out there
Status: complete
Rating: PG-13

They’re dying and I can’t help them! )




Who: Killian & Morrigan
What: Bringing the deadly Dreamshade plant to an herbalist to see what can be done with it
When: Backdated to before The Hunger Games stuff
Where: Morrigan's laboratory~
Rating/Warnings: POISON?
Status: Complete

Morrigan found beauty in all plants, even the ugly ones or the poisonous ones. They were part of nature. )




WHO: Grant Ward & Scott McCall
WHAT: It's worth more to protect those who can't protect themselves
WHEN: February 22nd
WHERE: Beacon Veterinary Clinic
STATUS: Complete

For this driver, the dog that darted out into the road and ended up getting struck in his attempts to shake off the birds was just a necessary causality in his attempt to flee. )




Who: Nasir and OPEN
What: Jabberjays
When: 2/17, afternoon
Where: Streets near Nasir's apartment
Status: Incomplete
Rating: Low but mentions trauma associated with sexual assault

the world seemed to be getting back to normal )