
October 17th, 2015




Who: Cinderbrations (Garrus & Cindy)
What: Sneaking away during the rehearsal dinner festivities at Oktoberfest
When: Today, day before their wedding
Rating/Warnings: Mostly on the low side
Status: Complete

The count was now several hours until they were packed into the enforced walls of the Normandy-SR2 and off into the stars. )




Who: Link Narrative (open to reaction)
Where: Link's dreams (in the hospital)
When: 10/17/2015
What: Link goes through a horde of dreams
Rating/Warnings: Medium for talk of fighting? None really.
Status: Complete | Private

Link awoke in a state of panic )




who ororo & pete!
what baby news!
where a bar, of course!
when some time after he's found out his lady's preggers ;]
warnings alcohol, baby chitchats, nothing cray-cray
status completed!

because there in that moment, Wisdom had been careening off in the stratosphere and lost in horrifying territory... )




Who: Alyssa and Logan.
What: Booze and bitching.
When: October 8th.
Where: Logan's house.
Warnings: Logan's mouth.
Status: Complete!

You just wear your libido on your sleeve. )