
October 2nd, 2015




Who: Haymitch and Wanda
When: Friday 2nd October, afternoon
Where: Abernathy PR
What: Checking in
Rating/Warnings: None/Low
Status: Complete

Haymitch knew Wanda had started university now )




Who: Leliana & Gale, NPC!Ritz the Cracker
What: Leliana's spy network becomes divided, and an assignment is rigged to kill Gale
When: Tonight
Where: Undisclosed shady warehouse location
Rating/Warnings: Violence, language, feels x10, shady things, and faking character death
Status: Complete!

I thought I could handle it. Especially if it meant preventing it from happening to you. )




Who: Veronica Mars and Sharon Carter
When: Early October
Where: Their Place
What: Binge-watching TV
Rating/Warnings: Low/None
Status: Complete when posted

We might have moved past stir crazy and on to delusional. )




Who: Kate Bishop and Veronica Mars
When: Late September
Where: The Archery Range for Self-Defense Class
What: Sparring, planning for the class
Rating/Warnings: Low/None
Status: Complete when posted

Hey, it wasn't my fault someone TASED me. )




Who: Samantha Harris [info]inatowel & Lara Croft [info]lara
What: Jaffa Cake Testing!
When: Sunday, September 20, 3PM [Backdated]
Where: Sam's place
Rating/Warnings: Low/None
Status: Closed/Completed Gdoc

Jaffa Cakes and Tea~ )




Who: Jack D. and Rose D.B
What: Rose's original Picasso transcends realities, and Jack tells her about his death
When: September, when Rose got the painting
Where: Rose's abode
Rating/Warnings: Death by cuteness, maybe
Status: Complete!

Even if I die on that door, I’d be okay with that so long as it brought me to you. )




Who: Allison & Donna
What: Meeting up after Allison has an especially bad dream
When: After this
Where: Donna’s studio
Ratings/Warnings: Talk of stalking
Status: Incomplete/Closed
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