
September 24th, 2015




Who: Ezra Fitz and Hanna Marin
What: Awkward meetings as only can happen between PLL types
When: First week of classes at UCI (24 September 2015)
Where: UCI - Ezra’s classroom
Warnings: Awkwardness
Status: Log | Complete

Dream talk was definitely a bad opener. )




Who: Laura and Alyssa.
What: Tea!
When: Backdated to 9/12.
Where: A restaurant.
Warnings: Nope!
Status: Complete!

What are friends for? )




Who: Riddick [info]riddickr
What: Observations
When: Thursday, September 24, late night
Where: Outside Elaine Mallory's home
Rating: Audience Discretion is Advised
Warnings: Stalker!Riddick is a stalker.
Status: Closed/Completed Narrative

Been a long time since I cared who saw me watching in the dark. )




Who: Max and Chloe.
What: Watching a movie.
When: Middle of September.
Where: Max's place.
Warnings: Chloe's mouth.
Status: Complete!

Prepare to have your pants scared off. )




Who: Wendy & Jas
What: Important Talks about Hands
When: Recently~
Where: James's house
Rating/Warnings: TBA
Status: In progress

Oh lord, oh lord, what have I done, I've fallen in love with a man on the run )




Who: Riddick [info]riddickr & Elaine Mallory [info]ssadabsiannataz
What: Good Evening
When: Backdated, Wednesday, September 23, late night
Where: Elaine's house
Rating: Audience Discretion is Advised
Warnings: Stalker!Riddick, general threats, unpleasantness, and well, it's Riddick.
Status: Closed/Completed GDoc

Good Evening. )




Who: Lexi Branson and Caroline Forbes
What: Lexi watches after NoHumanity!Caroline
When: Backdated: Sometime when Caroline's humanity was off
Where: Random Club
Rating/Warnings: Lowish. Some vampirism.
Status: Complete

Calm down. I wasn’t going to kill the guy. )




who john smith & emma swan
what first meeting! horsing around
where ~the ranch~
when early august!
warnings nada!
status complete!

... )