
August 31st, 2015




Who: Gretel (mentions of Hansel with his writer's permission)
What: Gretel's having issues sleeping due to some dreams she's had.
When: The night after this
Where: Hansel and Gretel's house
Rating/Warnings: PG-13ish/Mentions of past violence, language, but other than that not much.
Status: Complete Narrative

Gretel didn't cry often, it took a lot to make her emotional, but the idea of losing her brother was enough to push her over that edge )




Who: Magnus Bane and Alec Lightwood
When: Backdated: Friday, August 7th. Very Early Morning
Where: Magnus' House
What: Magnus arrives home from Taiwan
Rating/Warnings: Mostly Family Friendly
Status: Complete

When Magnus had told Alec he’d be home Friday, he’d forgotten to take into account time zones )


Who: Maes Hughes [info]maes & Justin Taylor [info]jstn_sunshine
What: Meeting to talk about a mural
When: Morning, July 31 [Backdated]
Where: Starbucks
Rating/Warnings: Low/None most likely
Status: Complete Upon Posting

How long have you been an artist? )