
August 29th, 2015




Who: Rick Grimes [info]rick & Annie Cresta [info]lifeisastorm
What: Paths crossing by happenstance
When: Last weekend of August
Where: Farmer's Market
Rating: General Audiences
Warnings: Rick is a pretty sad guy. Annie has her own warnings.
Status: Closed/Completed Partner Thread

I didn't raise you in a barn! )




Who: Leon Orcot and Lina Inverse
What: Leon's forced to arrest a madwoman who wreaked public havoc.
When: Today~
Where: Park in Costa Mesa
Rating/Warnings: Sass, Satan accusations, Michael Bay explosions.
Status: Complete!

I think that girl just blew up the park. )



Last I checked, robots and zombies were tied for more popular guesses.

Who: Shepard, Peggy Carter, and Kitty Pryde
What: Kitty drags them drinking as promised
When: 8/4
Where: A pub!
Rating: PG

There’s an office pool? You guys need to stop keeping things from me like that. I’m not sure if I would rather deal with robots or zombies. )




Who: Elsa, Kate and OPEN
When: Saturday 29th August 2015
Where: Local Hotel
What: Post-Wedding Reception
Rating/Warnings: TBC
Status: Open/Ongoing

The wedding had gone perfectly )

[OOC: Open to all of Elsa and Kate's friends]




Who: Link and Navi
Where: Soowan Galbi - Korean BBQ.
When: 8/29/2015
What: Lunch!
Rating/Warnings: None...?
Status: Ongoing | Closed

Read more... )
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Who: Furiosa [info]imperator & Splendid Angharad [info]splendid
What: The drive to the hospital
When: Backdated to July 31st, late evening
Where: Starts off at Furiosa's place, then Splendid's, and then on the way to the hospital.
Rating/Warnings: Audience Discretion Advised/Language is a definite
Status: Completed GDoc

Sorry about the ride, my car had a flat. )