
May 17th, 2015




Who: Martha Jones and Rose Tyler
What: Martha and Rose go jogging
When: Backdated: Late March
Where: The Park
Rating/Warnings: Family Friendly
Status: Complete!

A lot had been going on with Martha lately and catching up with friends was one of those things )




WHO: Emma Swan & Veronica Mars
WHEN: The day after this conversation.
WHERE: Ranch & then burger place
WHAT: Veronica tries out her camera and then lunch time friend-making.
STATUS: Complete

Just remember me when you're good to go )




Who: Kate Bishop (Hawkeye) and Elsa
When: Mid May (Pre-plot)
Where: Starbucks
What: Random Encounter
Rating/Warnings: Low/None
Status: Complete

Read more... )




Who: Gale Hawthorne & Katniss Everdeen
What: Visiting Gale at his humble abode, meeting Bella Nutella
When: Last week sometime?
Where: The blue house with the yellow door
Rating/Warnings: Pretty low
Status: Complete

We hunted okay on our own, but always better in a pair. )




Who: Faye and Tifa
When: May 17th
Where: Spa
What: Spa day
Rating/Warnings: PG!
Status: Complete

... )




Who: Helen Magnus & Ashley Magnus
When: March 30
Where: Helen’s.
What: Birthday!
Rating/Warnings: Some brief mentions of cancer and a bone marrow transplant.
Status: Complete!

It was good to have this simple, normal moment. )




who tifa & logan
what catching up!
where seventh heaven
when just after opening
warnings pgish? nothing triggery
status complete on posting!

... )