
May 9th, 2015




Who: Celaena and Rose
What: Celaena looks for Izzy, finds Rose instead
Where: Baxter’s Bakery
When: Early May
Rating: PG
Status: Complete when posted.

Celaena was incredibly happy. )




Who: Wendy Darling & Zelda
What: A girly reunion after a decade of not seeing each other.
When: Friday afternoon, around lunch.
Where: Diner Zel works at!
Rating/Warnings: C for Cute?
Status: Complete!

Wendy still looked back fondly on those days of youthful innocence where everything was lacy tea parties and wandering the gardens, riding their bicycles all up and down the pebbly paths, and just having fun. )




Who: Myrcella and Anna of Arendelle
When: Late April
Where: Myrcella and Jeremy’s place
What: Catching up between friends!
Rating/Warnings: Low/None
Status: Complete

I made cupcakes for you. Y’know, sort of an apology for not having been around all that much lately? )




Who: Tessa and Rose
What: Rose visits the shop
Where: Gray’s Books
When: Early May
Rating: Low?
Status: Complete when posted

Rose had seen the book shop when she had applied at Baxter Bakery, but had not gone in before now. )




Who: Irisa and Alucard
What: The Birth Certificate
Where: Training room
When: Recently
Rating: Low/None
Status: Complete

Alucard could tell something was upsetting Irisa )




Who: Katniss and Haymitch
What: Katniss freaks out...again
Where: Haymitch’s house
When: After this
Rating: Low/HG Trauma
Status: Complete

Haymitch came home to be faced with a Katniss who was very upset )




Who: Rachel Flynn (Rarity) and Pepper Potts
When: Late April
Where: Pepper and Tony’s place in Malibu
What: Wedding Planning
Rating/Warnings: Low/None
Status: Complete

Pepper was ridiculously excited, though she was trying to be mature and grown up about it )