
April 3rd, 2014




Who:D'Artagnan and Athos
What:Working the terrorist site.
When:Backdated to the night of the event.
Where:The mall in Irvine
Warnings:Trigger warnings, bomb talk

Trigger warnings, bomb stuff. )




Who: Kol Mikaelson and Zelda
When: Early March
Where: His place
What: Visiting, chatting
Rating/Warning: Low/None
Status: Complete!

HADES! Your girlfriend is here! )




WHO: Delena
WHAT: The Transition
WHERE: Damon’s apartment
WHEN: Morning of 4/1
RATING: PG - minor language, light vampirism
STATUS: Complete

The fact that it happened on April Fool’s Day was a true example of irony. )


Who: Maia Amell & Pam Swynford de Beaufort
What: Clearing up some stuff
When: 3/27 or so
Where: Pam's place
Rating/Warning: PG13, language, talk of gore/FTB sexytimes
Status: Complete

Try not to leave any bodies around )