
April 2nd, 2014




Who: Charlie Pace, Hugo Reyes, Verity
When: Mid-March
Where: Verity and River’s place (Now Verity, River and Charlie’s place!)
What: Moving some of Charlie’s things into the house
Rating/Warning: Low/None
Status: Complete

You think she's giddy? )




Who: Lucy and Peter Pevensie
When: Sunday 30th March
Where: Peter and Caspians Place
What: A Surprise
Rating/Warning: Low/None
Status: Complete

Lucy had finished her A-levels last June and decided to take a year out in order to travel )




Who: Eomer, Eothain
What: Meeting on a street corner, eating.
When: Recently, after Eothain's first post.
Where: A street corner, then a diner.
Rating/Warnings: Uhm. Rating: HIGH for language, mentions of drug use and other triggery things, and Eothain being Eothain. You have been warned.
Status: Complete!

Speaking of that health bullshit, you hungry? Did you eat yet? Did you pay for ME to eat yet? )