
December 4th, 2013



I’m Match, and I dream I’m an alien-human clone hybrid.

Who: Cassandra Cain and Match
Where: a gym
What: talking about dreams
When: recently
Warnings/Rating: PG-13 for mentions of drugs and death
Status complete

Cassandra Cain. I dream of being Batgirl. )




Who: Hela Odinson & Joshua Nolan
When: Backdated: November 29, Closing time
Where: Orange County streets to Lake Forest
What: Aftermath of a second date
Rating: TBA
Status: In-progress

I know who I want to take me home: Take me home. )




Who: Cassandra Cain and Simon aka Raven Darkholme
When: Backdated: Monday, November 18th. Afternoon
Where: The Gym
What: Gymnastics and kissing
Rating: Mostly Family Friendly
Status: Complete

Cass was no longer compelled to tell the truth, which meant she was back at the gym )




Who: Hela and Loki.
When: Thursday, December 5.
Where: Granny's Diner.
What: Their birthday brunch.
Rating/Warning: Lowish (will update if needed).
Status: In progress.

Funny world, wasn't it. )




Who: The Bagginses and the Crawleys, Plus One Gamgee
When: During Zillo Attack
Where: The bunker known as Bag End
What: Waiting out the storm
Rating/Warning: PG, Threat of danger
Status: Complete

Waiting Out The Storm )




Who: Samandriel & Damon Salvatore
What: Truthiness Plot
When: 11/12
Where: Lux, a vineyard in Italy, A smaller island of Hawai’i
Rating: High-ish for oversharing and adult conversational themes.
Status: Complete

Our Father left the building a very long time ago. )




Who: Samandriel & Abigail Lecter
What: bff chats
When: 11/13
Where: Abigail’s
Rating: Low - Standard Samandriel & Abigail warnings
Status: Complete

to be fair, I’m a little bit in love with nearly anyone I decide is worth my time )




Who: Robert and Luisa.
What: Lunch.
When: Around the end of November.
Where: Luisa's.
Rating: Low.
Status: Complete.

I hope to win an Oscar by the time I'm thirty, you see. )


Who: Padme and Anakin
What: Anakin is finally sober enough to talk.
When: Tuesday Morning, December 3rd 2013
Where: Padme's Apartment
Rating: Highish, mentions of torture and slaughter
Status: Complete

All things die, Anakin Skywalker. Even stars burn out... )




Who: Justin Taylor & Lilo Pelekai
What: Lunch and Catching up
When: Wednesday, December 4th. Afternoon
Where: A Restaurant in Newport Beach
Rating: Mostly Family Friendly
Status: Complete

It had been awhile since Justin had actually seen Lilo in person )




Who: Alex Rogan and Portia
Where: her house
What: reunion
When: November 29th
Warnings/Rating: NC-17 for graphic sex
Status complete

I am so sorry, Portia. I was an idiot. Nothing is more important than you in my life. )