
July 29th, 2013




Who: Castiel & Dean Winchester
What: Honeymoon
When: Friday July 26
Where: Catalina Island
Rating: High. It’s their honeymoon. What do you expect? (Sex is the answer.)
Status: Complete

Did you know that HR thought your request to use your PTO was a joke at first? )



Gwen found herself adding too much sugar and cream, then it felt like dessert instead of coffee.

Who: Claire Danvers and Gwen Stacy
When: Mid-June
Where: Break Room, Stark Industries
What: Random Encounter
Rating/Warnings: Low/None
Status: Complete

Maybe after another 5 cups, she’d be able to function like a normal [...] well, super-genius. )




Who: The other half of Katie's pups (and Minako again) and you! Open log free-for-all!
What: Anything and everything is possible
When: Towards the latter end of July
Where: Various places. Check the subject line!
Rating: Probably nothing too much?
Status: Open?





WHO: Match, Mavis
WHAT: The L word
WHEN: earlier in July
WHERE: Alex/Lorna's guest house
WARNINGS: PG13 for makeouts

Zing?! )




WHO: Mavis, Jubilee
WHAT: Girltalk
WHEN: earlier in July, sometime prior to this
WHERE: Guest-house
WARNINGS: PG13 for talk about sex & vampirism

Read more... )




Who: Castiel, Wall-E
When: Week of July 21
Where: The park
What: Random Encounter
Rating/Warning: Low/None
Status: Complete

He was like Scrooge McDuck, swimming in a huge bank vault of words instead of cartoon coins. )




Who: Pansy Malfoy and Zuko
When: Early in the week, July 21/22ish
Where: Zuko and Draco’s place
What: Pansy’s in a mood
Rating/Warning: Low/None... some swearing, maybe. No triggers
Status: Complete

Beer? Where’s the beer? )




Who: Cersei and Myrcella
When: Saturday, July 27
Where: The home they share with Jaime
What: Casual chat
Rating/Warning: Low/None
Status: Complete!

Are you going to try and give me a 'boy' talk mum? )



Wait, you mean we have to share?

Who: Peter Parker and Gwen Stacy
When: Saturday, July 27
Where: Switzerland
What: Arriving at the hotel after a really long flight
Rating/Warning: Low/None
Status: Complete

Look, we’re going to deal with this, so let’s just make the best of it. You get one bed, I get the other. )


Who: Lorna Summers and Wrex
What: chasing down farm animals
When: earlier in the day
Where: Urdnot Ranch
Rating: PG, because a pig gets doored
Status: complete

pork is the meat of kings, it’s made from pigs try it with onion rings )




Who: Dani Moonstar, Emma, Nate, and Scott Summers
What: dinner and an announcement
When: dinnertime
Where: their place
Rating: PG
Status: complete

I don't buy everything I read, I haven't even read everything I've bought )


Who: Dr. Irene Adler and Det. Kirsty Cotton
When: 7/28
Where: Irvine PD headquarters, then a bar in Tustin
What: Professional consulting
Rating/Warning: PG13 for violent imagery
Status: Complete

Don't you love when they stick us together? )