
March 4th, 2013



Who: Korra and Mako
When: Saturday March 2, after this log and this text conversation.
Where: A fancy restaurant
What: Toph forced Korra to go on a date with Mako. At a fancy restaurant.
Rating: R. NC-17. Almost-Sex. Drama. Read if you enjoy Porn (okay, who doesn’t?) and if you're over 18, man. Don't get me in trouble. Punks.
Status: Complete

She didn’t feel like she could punch anyone effectively in heels and a short dress. )




Who: TARDIS and Tenth Doctor
When: Friday March 1, 2013 after this.
Where: John’s apartment, then 3D MINI PUTT!
What: Date night. Except Tara and John don’t think they’re dating. Just cute fluff.
Rating: PG!
Status: Complete.

Seven strokes later, she’d finally sunk the ball. )


Who: Sif and Apollon Enjolras
When: March 2, 2013
Where: Via Instant Messages!
What: Arguing and reaching conclusions.
Rating: All Ages, but P for Politics.
Status: Complete.

I'd rather be with you than against you )




Who: Navi and Gandalf.
What: Thanking him for a present.
When: Sunday afternoon.
Where: Her shop, his place.
Rating:PG-13 for talk of bottoms.
Status: Complete!

I’ll keep my eyes open for Operation White Staff. )




Who: Arya Stark, Bran Stark and Jon Snow
What: Arya and Bran decide to wait up for Jon to come home
When: Monday, March 4th. Late Night
Where: The Stark's Home; Jon's Room
Rating: TBD
Status: Complete

Yes, Arya and Bran did have school the next morning and yes, it was quite late )




Who: Emma Summers and Kitty Pryde
Where: a coffee shop
What: talking
When: 3/3
Warnings/Rating: pg-13 for inappropriate conversations
Status complete

It depends if you're trying to get to the promised land or you're just tryin' to get by )




Who: Scott, Nate, and Neena, with NPCed Rachel. With guest stars Logan, Laura, and Jubilee
Where: New Jersey
What: Scott and the gang, while setting up shop in a new house in Jersey, have an encounter with old friends... sort of.
When: 2219; 5 years after the birth of Rachel
Warnings/Rating: R for violence (including character death) and references to nasty things (seriously don’t read this)
Status complete

This is the life you see, the devil tips his hat to me )




Who: Nate, Nate, and Emma
Where: In the mindfield
What: Nate is knocked unconscious and experiences a mind surge, meets his older self, and manages to bridge time itself to talk to Emma.
When: During the previous log
Warnings/Rating: pg
Status complete

thoughts meander like a restless wind inside a letter box )




Who: Emma and John
Where: Irvine General
What: John hears some of her exchange with Nathan and comes to find out how she is.
When: After this log
Warnings/Rating: PG-13 for angst
Status Complete.

call out my name in the night )




Who: Nate and Neena
Where: New Jersey, the shore somewhere
What: Nate and Neena have a talk
When: 2219, a few days after this log
Warnings/Rating: PG-13 for fade to later references to sex.
Status complete

hello, I've waited here for you everlong )




Who: Laura, Logan, and Neena
Where: the house they all destroyed
What: Neena keeps a promise
When: 2219 a couple months after this log
Warnings/Rating: R for mercy killing of PCs
Status complete

I have been, and always will be, your friend )



if this was America, she didn’t see was all the fuss was about

Who: Mary Crawley, Sybil Crawley, Frodo and Merrill & Some NPCs
When: An Afternoon Last Week
Where: Baggins Villa
What: Family Reunion
Rating: PG for some Moodiness
Status: Complete

But the beach was gorgeous. There was nothing like this back home. )




Who: Amy Pond and Mako
When: Thursday Morning
Where: Modeling Studio
What: Modeling. Talking.
Rating: Low
Status: Complete

Welcome to the world of cosmetics modeling. )



I do not do fittings. You’ll have to go somewhere else for that.

Who: Nikola Tesla and Gold
When: Recently
Where: Gold’s shop
What: Wedding ring shopping
Rating: Low
Status: Complete!

I’m sure that my fiancee can organize that on her own. )




Who: Zuko, Draco, Iroh
When: 3/1
Where: Restaurant
What: Introducing the boyfriend to more of the family
Rating: Low, although some talks of past family deaths
Status: Complete

To live in the hearts of those we love is never to die. )




Who: Audrey and Nina
When: Day after Nina arrives
Where: Audrey’s bakery
What: Catching up as only old friends do
Rating: Low
Status: Complete

Fruit and oats, I think you'll like it )




Who: Harry and Elaine(with Corazon NPCed)
Where: Elaine’s house
What: Harry cooks for them, then he and Elaine try a different kind of cooking together.
When: 03/04
Warnings/Rating: R for sexual situations
Status complete when posted

Doing Some Cooking... )




Who: Scott and Nate
Where: New Jersey
What: Nate and his father go for a fishing trip and Nate tells him some news
When: 2219, sometime after this log
Warnings/Rating: PG-13 for talk about pregnancy and sex
Status Complete

Speaking of... )



Gonna owe you.

Who: Velma and Logan
What: Drinking and sexing and getting along well
When: Saturday night
Where: Logan’s place
Rating: NC-17 for s---well it’s Logan
Status: Complete

Don’t ever need to owe me a thing. )




Who: Gaz and Logan.
What: Painting.
When: Sunday night.
Where: Abandoned building.
Rating: NC-17 for weird sex and crying.
Trigger Warnings: Self-harm, suicidal ideation, scarification.
Status: Complete!

Done with crying. )



A man is allowed to dream.

Who: Hermione Granger and Jim Kirk
When: Recent
Where: Their place/The Enterprise?
What: Married stuff
Rating: Low. Though, there’s talk of making babies, and at the end it’s obvious what they go off to do.
Status: Complete

We’d better get started. )



How have you been filling up your time lately?

Who: Zuko and Hermione
When: 3/1
Where: Coffee shop
What: Doin’ their normal chatty thing
Rating: Low
Status: Complete

Draco swooning. All day, every day. )




Who: Audrey and Q, Amy and Erik, Wally and Rufus
When: Sometime this week
Where: Various (see comments)
What: Partner Threads
Rating: TBD
Status: In Progress

This is so I don't spam your friends list... any more than I already have. :)




Who: TARDIS and Tenth Doctor
When: Present day for The Doctor, Tara is coming from further down the line. During the day while Gwen/real time Tara are at work.
Where: John and Gwen’s apartment.
What: The Doctor finally finds out his best friend is also his TARDIS.
Rating: G. Seriously, probably the cutest most innocent thing either of us have ever written.
Status: Complete

God, timey wimey is really confusing, even for a TARDIS. )