
February 22nd, 2013




Who: Candy and Judy.
What: Chatting. Not drinking.
When: After Judy's dream.
Where: Candy and Remy's apartment.
Rating: PG-13 for talking about alcoholism and cussing.
Status: Complete!

Close, but never touching. )




Who: Annie and Mitchell
What: Someone's a stalker
Where: Target
When: Valentine's Day (backdated)
Rating: G
Status: Complete

Are you stalking me? )



"You'd look even sexier with some grey hair"

Who: Ollie and Judy mostly, Thea at the end.
When: Last Sunday
Where: A retro themed restaurant and then Ollie’s place
What: A date, some waiter baiting, some serious conversations, and sexy times. And scarring Thea for life.
Ratings: glossed over sexytimes for the most part but probably closer to like PG-16 if there’s such a thing?, uh, C for cougar maybe? :P

Stark doesn't have a you )




Who: Renly Baratheon and Zevran Arainai
What: Random meeting during their morning runs
When: Thursday, February 22nd. Early Morning
Where: The beach in Laguna Beach
Rating: Low
Status: Complete

For the last few weeks, Renly had been going for morning runs on the beach )



I try hard to make people happy.

Who: John Watson and Audrey
When: Before the Wonderland plot
Where: Starting at Baxter Bakery
What: Bumping into each other, then off for a walk.
Rating: FLUFF! :)
Status: Complete

I think you do well )




Who: Audrey and Q
When: Backdated to earlier in the month (after this thread and before the Wonderland plot)
Where: Baxter Bakery
What: A proper cup of tea!
Rating: TBD - Will update if that changes
Status: In Progress

Read more... )
Tags: ,




Who: Toph Bei Fong and Verity
When: Before the OC went Wonderland
Where: Computer store
What: Meeting of old friends!
Rating: Low
Status: Complete

just because she couldn’t see didn’t mean she wasn’t constantly judging people )



So, how’s it going?

Who: Pansy Malfoy and Zuko
When: After Frost’s Glorious Return!
Where: Pansy’s place?
What: Drinkin
Rating: Low, mentions of Pansy not being a blood-Malfoy, and the death of her grandfather
Status: Complete!

What a loaded question. )




Who: John Jones and Ginny Weasley
Where: Her studios
What: Sharing secrets and first meetings of friends
When: 02/18-ish
Warnings/Rating: PG
Status Complete!

Friendship is born of trust and sometimes secrets help. Of secrets is born a hope. )